Development and Contributions

HipChat API binding modules generation

As written in, API bindings are generated from ymtszw/hipchat_swagger.

The following rules apply:

  • Treat each API’s:

    • summary as identifiers (i.e. source of function names), with lower-casing and underscoring.
    • description as @doc contents, though expecting only links to official API docs.
    • tags as API categories, with camel-casing. They are used for separating modules (files). Expecting only one tag per API.
  • Basically discarding parameters’ schema/type information, at least currently.
  • Response information are discarded too.

So when you implement yet-to-be-covered HipChat API bindings in hipchat_elixir:

  1. Write swagger specs for those APIs in ymtszw/hipchat_swagger
  2. When merged, update git submodule in this repository (git submodule foreach "git pull origin master")
  3. Generate modules/functions with mix hipchat.generate
  4. Run tests with mix test

    • Test cases are automatically generated
    • If you happen to have actual access_token (preferably in dummy hipchat team), run with HIPCHAT_ACCESS_TOKEN=<your_token> mix test

Then send a pull request!