View Source Graph.Pathfinding (hologram v0.2.0)

This module contains implementation code for path finding algorithms used by libgraph.



Finds the shortest path between a and b as a list of vertices. Returns nil if no path can be found.

Finds all paths between a and b, each path as a list of vertices. Returns nil if no path can be found.

Finds the shortest path between a and b as a list of vertices. Returns nil if no path can be found.



@type heuristic_fun() :: (Graph.vertex() -> integer())


a_star(g, a, b, hfun)

@spec a_star(Graph.t(), Graph.vertex(), Graph.vertex(), heuristic_fun()) ::
  [Graph.vertex()] | nil

Finds the shortest path between a and b as a list of vertices. Returns nil if no path can be found.

This implementation takes a heuristic function which allows you to calculate the lower bound cost of a given vertex v. The algorithm then uses that lower bound function to determine which path to explore next in the graph.

The dijkstra function is simply a_star where the heuristic function always returns 0, and thus the next vertex is chosen based on the weight of the edge between it and the current vertex.

all(g, a, b)

@spec all(Graph.t(), Graph.vertex(), Graph.vertex()) :: [[Graph.vertex()]] | nil

Finds all paths between a and b, each path as a list of vertices. Returns nil if no path can be found.

bellman_ford(g, a)

@spec bellman_ford(Graph.t(), Graph.vertex()) ::
  %{required(Graph.vertex()) => integer() | :infinity} | nil

dijkstra(g, a, b)

@spec dijkstra(Graph.t(), Graph.vertex(), Graph.vertex()) :: [Graph.vertex()] | nil

Finds the shortest path between a and b as a list of vertices. Returns nil if no path can be found.

The shortest path is calculated here by using a cost function to choose which path to explore next. The cost function in Dijkstra's algorithm is weight(E(A, B))+lower_bound(E(A, B)) where lower_bound(E(A, B)) is always 0.