View Source Graph (hologram v0.2.0)
This module defines a graph data structure, which supports directed and undirected graphs, in both acyclic and cyclic forms. It also defines the API for creating, manipulating, and querying that structure.
As far as memory usage is concerned, Graph
should be fairly compact in memory, but if you want to do a rough
comparison between the memory usage for a graph between libgraph
and digraph
, use
on the two graphs, and both results will contain memory usage information. Keep in mind we don't have a precise
way to measure the memory usage of a term in memory, whereas ETS is able to give a more precise answer, but we do have
a fairly good way to estimate the usage of a term, and we use that method within libgraph
The Graph struct is structured like so:
- A map of vertex ids to vertices (
) - A map of vertex ids to their out neighbors (
), - A map of vertex ids to their in neighbors (
), effectively the transposition ofout_edges
- A map of vertex ids to vertex labels (
), (labels are only stored if a non-nil label was provided) - A map of edge ids (where an edge id is simply a tuple of
{vertex_id, vertex_id}
) to a map of edge metadata (edges
) - Edge metadata is a map of
label => weight
, and each entry in that map represents a distinct edge. This allows us to support multiple edges in the same direction between the same pair of vertices, but for many purposes simply treat them as a single logical edge.
This structure is designed to be as efficient as possible once a graph is built, but it turned out that it is also quite efficient for manipulating the graph as well. For example, splitting an edge and introducing a new vertex on that edge can be done with very little effort. We use vertex ids everywhere because we can generate them without any lookups, we don't incur any copies of the vertex structure, and they are very efficient as keys in a map.
Identifier of a vertex. By default a non_neg_integer from Graph.Utils.vertex_id/1
utilizing :erlang.phash2
Gets the shortest path between a
and b
Like add_edge/3
or add_edge/4
, but takes a Graph.Edge
struct created with
Adds an edge connecting v1
to v2
. If either v1
or v2
do not exist in the graph,
they are automatically added. Adding the same edge more than once does not create multiple edges,
each edge is only ever stored once.
This function is like add_edge/3
, but for multiple edges at once, it also accepts edge specifications
in a few different ways to make it easy to generate graphs succinctly.
Adds a new vertex to the graph. If the vertex is already present in the graph, the add is a no-op.
Like add_vertex/2
, but takes a list of vertices to add to the graph.
Returns the root vertex of the arborescence, if one exists, otherwise nil.
Returns a batch topological ordering of the vertices of graph g
, if such an ordering exists, otherwise it
returns false. For each vertex in the returned list, no out-neighbors occur earlier in the list. This differs
from topsort/1
in that this function returns a list of lists where each sublist can be concurrently evaluated
without worrying about elements in the sublist depending on eachother.
iex> g = |> Graph.add_edges([
...> {:b, :c, weight: -2}, {:a, :b, weight: 1},
...> {:c, :d, weight: 3}, {:b, :d, weight: 4}])
...> Graph.bellman_ford(g, :a)
%{a: 0, b: 1, c: -1, d: 2}
iex> g = |> Graph.add_edges([
...> {:b, :c, weight: -2}, {:a, :b, weight: -1},
...> {:c, :d, weight: -3}, {:d, :a, weight: -5}])
...> Graph.bellman_ford(g, :a)
Detects all maximal cliques in the provided graph.
Returns a list of connected components, where each component is a list of vertices.
Calculates the k-coreness of vertex v
in graph g
Determines the k-degeneracy of the given graph.
Calculates the degeneracy core of a given graph.
Returns the degree of vertex v
of graph g
Removes all edges connecting v1
to v2
, regardless of label.
Removes an edge connecting v1
to v2
. A label can be specified to disambiguate the
specific edge you wish to delete, if not provided, the unlabelled edge, if one exists,
will be removed.
Like delete_edge/3
, but takes a list of edge specifications, and deletes the corresponding
edges from the graph, if they exist.
This function can be used to remove all edges between v1
and v2
. This is useful if
you are defining multiple edges between vertices to represent different relationships, but
want to remove them all as if they are a single unit.
Removes a vertex from the graph, as well as any edges which refer to that vertex. If the vertex does not exist in the graph, it is a no-op.
Like delete_vertex/2
, but takes a list of vertices to delete from the graph.
Gets the shortest path between a
and b
Get an Edge struct for a specific vertex pair, or vertex pair + label.
Return a list of all the edges, where each edge is expressed as a tuple
of {A, B}
, where the elements are the vertices involved, and implying the
direction of the edge to be from A
to B
Returns a list of all edges inbound or outbound from vertex v
Returns a list of all edges between v1
and v2
Builds a list of paths between vertex a
and vertex b
Returns true if the given vertex exists in the graph. Otherwise false.
Returns the in-degree of vertex v
of graph g
Returns a list of Graph.Edge
structs representing the in edges to vertex v
Returns a list of vertices which all have edges coming in to the given vertex v
Returns a map of summary information about this graph.
Returns true if and only if the graph g
is acyclic.
Returns true if the graph is an aborescence, a directed acyclic graph, where the root, a vertex, of the arborescence has a unique path from itself to every other vertex in the graph.
Returns true if the graph g
is not acyclic.
Returns true if graph g1
is a subgraph of g2
Returns true if and only if the graph g
is a tree.
Detects all maximal cliques of degree k
Calculates the k-core for a given graph and value of k
Groups all vertices by their k-coreness into a single map.
Updates the labels for the given vertex.
Returns a list of vertices from graph g
which are included in a loop, where a loop is a cycle of length 1.
Return all neighboring vertices of the given vertex.
Creates a new graph using the provided options.
Returns the number of edges in the graph.
Returns the number of vertices in the graph
Returns the out-degree of vertex v
of graph g
Returns a list of Graph.Edge
structs representing the out edges from vertex v
Returns a list of vertices which the given vertex v
has edges going to.
Returns all vertices of graph g
. The order is given by a depth-first traversal of the graph,
collecting visited vertices in postorder. More precisely, the vertices visited while searching from an
arbitrarily chosen vertex are collected in postorder, and all those collected vertices are placed before
the subsequently visited vertices.
Returns all vertices of graph g
. The order is given by a depth-first traversal of the graph,
collecting visited vertices in preorder.
Returns an unsorted list of vertices from the graph, such that for each vertex in the list (call it v
there is a path in the graph from some vertex of vs
to v
Returns an unsorted list of vertices from the graph, such that for each vertex in the list (call it v
there is a path in the graph of length one or more from some vertex of vs
to v
Returns an unsorted list of vertices from the graph, such that for each vertex in the list (call it v
there is a path from v
to some vertex of vs
Returns an unsorted list of vertices from the graph, such that for each vertex in the list (call it v
there is a path of length one or more from v
to some vertex of vs
iex> graph = |> Graph.add_vertex(:a, [:foo, :bar]) ...> [:foo, :bar] = Graph.vertex_labels(graph, :a) ...> graph = Graph.remove_vertex_labels(graph, :a) ...> Graph.vertex_labels(graph, :a) []
Replaces vertex
with new_vertex
in the graph.
Splits the edges between v1
and v2
by inserting a new vertex, v3
, deleting
the edges between v1
and v2
, and inserting new edges from v1
to v3
and from
to v2
Returns a list of strongly connected components, where each component is a list of vertices.
Builds a maximal subgraph of g
which includes all of the vertices in vs
and the edges which connect them.
Converts the given Graph to DOT format, which can then be converted to
a number of other formats via Graphviz, e.g. dot -Tpng > out.png
Returns a topological ordering of the vertices of graph g
, if such an ordering exists, otherwise it returns false.
For each vertex in the returned list, no out-neighbors occur earlier in the list.
The transposition of a graph is another graph with the direction of all the edges reversed.
Given two vertices, this function updates the metadata (weight/label) for the unlabelled edge between those two vertices. If no unlabelled edge exists between them, an error tuple is returned. If you set a label, the unlabelled edge will be replaced with a new labelled edge.
Like update_edge/4
, but requires you to specify the labelled edge to update.
Returns the label for the given vertex. If no label was assigned, it returns [].
Returns a list of all the vertices in the graph.
@type edge_value() :: %{required(label()) => edge_weight()}
@type graph_info() :: %{ num_edges: non_neg_integer(), num_vertices: non_neg_integer(), size_in_bytes: number(), type: :directed | :undirected }
@type graph_type() :: :directed | :undirected
@type label() :: term()
@type t() :: %Graph{ edges: %{required(edge_key()) => edge_value()}, in_edges: %{required(vertex_id()) => MapSet.t()}, out_edges: %{required(vertex_id()) => MapSet.t()}, type: graph_type(), vertex_identifier: (vertex() -> term()), vertex_labels: %{required(vertex_id()) => term()}, vertices: %{required(vertex_id()) => vertex()} }
@type vertex() :: term()
@type vertex_id() :: non_neg_integer() | term()
Identifier of a vertex. By default a non_neg_integer from Graph.Utils.vertex_id/1
utilizing :erlang.phash2
Gets the shortest path between a
and b
The A algorithm is very much like Dijkstra's algorithm, except in addition to edge weights, A
also considers a heuristic function for determining the lower bound of the cost to go from vertex
to b
. The lower bound must be less than the cost of the shortest path from v
to b
, otherwise
it will do more harm than good. Dijkstra's algorithm can be reframed as A* where lower_bound(v)
is always 0.
This function puts the heuristics in your hands, so you must provide the heuristic function, which should take
a single parameter, v
, which is the vertex being currently examined. Your heuristic should then determine what the
lower bound for the cost to reach b
from v
is, and return that value.
iex> g = |> Graph.add_edges([{:a, :b}, {:b, :c}, {:c, :d}, {:b, :d}])
...> Graph.a_star(g, :a, :d, fn _ -> 0 end)
[:a, :b, :d]
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b, :c, :d])
...> g = Graph.add_edges(g, [{:a, :c}, {:b, :c}, {:b, :d}])
...> Graph.a_star(g, :a, :d, fn _ -> 0 end)
@spec add_edge(t(), Graph.Edge.t()) :: t()
Like add_edge/3
or add_edge/4
, but takes a Graph.Edge
struct created with
iex> g = |> Graph.add_edge(, :b))
...> [:a, :b] = Graph.vertices(g)
...> Graph.edges(g)
[%Graph.Edge{v1: :a, v2: :b}]
Adds an edge connecting v1
to v2
. If either v1
or v2
do not exist in the graph,
they are automatically added. Adding the same edge more than once does not create multiple edges,
each edge is only ever stored once.
Edges have a default weight of 1, and an empty (nil) label. You can change this by passing options to this function, as shown below.
iex> g = |> Graph.add_edge(:a, :b)
...> [:a, :b] = Graph.vertices(g)
...> Graph.edges(g)
[%Graph.Edge{v1: :a, v2: :b, label: nil, weight: 1}]
iex> g = |> Graph.add_edge(:a, :b, label: :foo, weight: 2)
...> [:a, :b] = Graph.vertices(g)
...> Graph.edges(g)
[%Graph.Edge{v1: :a, v2: :b, label: :foo, weight: 2}]
@spec add_edges(t(), [Graph.Edge.t()] | Enumerable.t()) :: t() | no_return()
This function is like add_edge/3
, but for multiple edges at once, it also accepts edge specifications
in a few different ways to make it easy to generate graphs succinctly.
Edges must be provided as a list of Edge
structs, {vertex, vertex}
pairs, or
{vertex, vertex, edge_opts :: [label: term, weight: integer]}
See the docs for
for more info on creating Edge structs, and
for information on edge options.
If an invalid edge specification is provided, raises Graph.EdgeSpecificationError
iex> alias Graph.Edge
...> edges = [, :b),, :c, weight: 2)]
...> g = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b, :c]) |> Graph.add_edges(edges)
...> Graph.edges(g)
[%Graph.Edge{v1: :a, v2: :b}, %Graph.Edge{v1: :b, v2: :c, weight: 2}]
iex> g = |> Graph.add_edges([{:a, :b}, {:a, :b, label: :foo}, {:a, :b, label: :foo, weight: 2}])
...> Graph.edges(g)
[%Graph.Edge{v1: :a, v2: :b, label: :foo, weight: 2}, %Graph.Edge{v1: :a, v2: :b}]
iex> |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b, :c]) |> Graph.add_edges([:a, :b])
** (Graph.EdgeSpecificationError) Expected a valid edge specification, but got: :a
Adds a new vertex to the graph. If the vertex is already present in the graph, the add is a no-op.
You can provide optional labels for the vertex, aside from the variety of uses this has for working with graphs, labels will also be used when exporting a graph in DOT format.
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertex(:a, :mylabel) |> Graph.add_vertex(:a)
...> [:a] = Graph.vertices(g)
...> Graph.vertex_labels(g, :a)
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertex(:a, [:mylabel, :other])
...> Graph.vertex_labels(g, :a)
[:mylabel, :other]
Like add_vertex/2
, but takes a list of vertices to add to the graph.
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b, :a])
...> Graph.vertices(g)
[:a, :b]
Returns the root vertex of the arborescence, if one exists, otherwise nil.
Returns a batch topological ordering of the vertices of graph g
, if such an ordering exists, otherwise it
returns false. For each vertex in the returned list, no out-neighbors occur earlier in the list. This differs
from topsort/1
in that this function returns a list of lists where each sublist can be concurrently evaluated
without worrying about elements in the sublist depending on eachother.
Multiple edges between two vertices are considered a single edge for purposes of this sort.
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b, :c])
...> g = Graph.add_edges(g, [{:a, :b}, {:a, :c}])
...> Graph.batch_topsort(g)
[[:a], [:b, :c]]
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b, :c, :d])
...> g = Graph.add_edges(g, [{:a, :b}, {:a, :c}, {:b, :c}, {:c, :d}])
...> Graph.batch_topsort(g)
[[:a], [:b], [:c], [:d]]
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b, :c, :d, :x, :y, :z])
...> g = Graph.add_edges(g, [{:a, :b}, {:a, :c}, {:c, :d}, {:x, :y}, {:x, :z}])
...> Graph.batch_topsort(g)
[[:a, :x], [:b, :c, :y, :z], [:d]]
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b, :c, :d, :x, :y, :z])
...> g = Graph.add_edges(g, [{:a, :b}, {:a, :c}, {:b, :c}, {:c, :d}, {:c, :a}])
...> Graph.batch_topsort(g)
iex> g = |> Graph.add_edges([
...> {:b, :c, weight: -2}, {:a, :b, weight: 1},
...> {:c, :d, weight: 3}, {:b, :d, weight: 4}])
...> Graph.bellman_ford(g, :a)
%{a: 0, b: 1, c: -1, d: 2}
iex> g = |> Graph.add_edges([
...> {:b, :c, weight: -2}, {:a, :b, weight: -1},
...> {:c, :d, weight: -3}, {:d, :a, weight: -5}])
...> Graph.bellman_ford(g, :a)
Detects all maximal cliques in the provided graph.
Returns a list of cliques, where each clique is a list of vertices in the clique.
A clique is a subset vs
of the vertices in the given graph, which together form a complete graph;
or put another way, every vertex in vs
is connected to all other vertices in vs
Returns a list of connected components, where each component is a list of vertices.
A connected component is a maximal subgraph such that there is a path between each pair of vertices, considering all edges undirected.
A subgraph is a graph whose vertices and edges are a subset of the vertices and edges of the source graph.
A maximal subgraph is a subgraph with property P
where all other subgraphs which contain the same vertices
do not have that same property P
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b, :c, :d])
...> g = Graph.add_edges(g, [{:a, :b}, {:a, :c}, {:b, :c}, {:c, :d}, {:c, :a}])
...> Graph.components(g)
[[:d, :b, :c, :a]]
@spec coreness(t(), vertex()) :: non_neg_integer()
Calculates the k-coreness of vertex v
in graph g
The k-coreness of a vertex is defined as the maximum value of k
for which v
is found in the corresponding k-core of graph g
NOTE: This function decomposes all k-core components to determine the coreness
of a vertex - if you will be trying to determine the coreness of many vertices,
it is recommended to use k_core_components/1
and then lookup the coreness of a vertex
by querying the resulting map.
@spec degeneracy(t()) :: non_neg_integer()
Determines the k-degeneracy of the given graph.
The degeneracy of graph g
is the maximum value of k
for which a k-core
exists in graph g
Calculates the degeneracy core of a given graph.
The degeneracy core of a graph is the k-core of the graph where the
value of k
is the degeneracy of the graph. The degeneracy of a graph
is the highest value of k
which has a non-empty k-core in the graph.
@spec degree(t(), vertex()) :: non_neg_integer()
Returns the degree of vertex v
of graph g
The degree of a vertex is the total number of edges containing that vertex.
For directed graphs this is the same as the sum of the in-degree and out-degree of the given vertex. For undirected graphs, the in-degree and out-degree are always the same.
iex> g = :undirected) |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b, :c]) |> Graph.add_edge(:a, :b)
...>, :b)
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b, :c]) |> Graph.add_edge(:a, :b)
...>, :b)
Removes all edges connecting v1
to v2
, regardless of label.
If no such edge exists, the graph is returned unmodified.
iex> g = |> Graph.add_edges([{:a, :b}, {:a, :b, label: :foo}]) ...> g = Graph.delete_edge(g, :a, :b) ...> [:a, :b] = Graph.vertices(g) ...> Graph.edges(g) []
iex> g = :undirected) |> Graph.add_edges([{:a, :b}, {:a, :b, label: :foo}]) ...> g = Graph.delete_edge(g, :a, :b) ...> [:a, :b] = Graph.vertices(g) ...> Graph.edges(g) []
Removes an edge connecting v1
to v2
. A label can be specified to disambiguate the
specific edge you wish to delete, if not provided, the unlabelled edge, if one exists,
will be removed.
If no such edge exists, the graph is returned unmodified.
iex> g = |> Graph.add_edges([{:a, :b}, {:a, :b, label: :foo}])
...> g = Graph.delete_edge(g, :a, :b, nil)
...> [:a, :b] = Graph.vertices(g)
...> Graph.edges(g)
[%Graph.Edge{v1: :a, v2: :b, label: :foo}]
iex> g = |> Graph.add_edges([{:a, :b}, {:a, :b, label: :foo}])
...> g = Graph.delete_edge(g, :a, :b, :foo)
...> [:a, :b] = Graph.vertices(g)
...> Graph.edges(g)
[%Graph.Edge{v1: :a, v2: :b, label: nil}]
iex> g = :undirected) |> Graph.add_edges([{:a, :b}, {:a, :b, label: :foo}])
...> g = Graph.delete_edge(g, :a, :b, :foo)
...> [:a, :b] = Graph.vertices(g)
...> Graph.edges(g)
[%Graph.Edge{v1: :a, v2: :b, label: nil}]
Like delete_edge/3
, but takes a list of edge specifications, and deletes the corresponding
edges from the graph, if they exist.
Edge specifications can be Edge
structs, {vertex, vertex}
pairs, or {vertex, vertex, label: label}
triplets. An invalid specification will cause Graph.EdgeSpecificationError
to be raised.
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b, :c]) |> Graph.add_edge(:a, :b)
...> g = Graph.delete_edges(g, [{:a, :b}])
...> Graph.edges(g)
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b, :c]) |> Graph.add_edge(:a, :b, label: :foo)
...> g = Graph.delete_edges(g, [{:a, :b}])
...> Graph.edges(g)
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b, :c]) |> Graph.add_edge(:a, :b, label: :foo)
...> g = Graph.delete_edges(g, [{:a, :b, label: :bar}])
...> Graph.edges(g)
[%Graph.Edge{v1: :a, v2: :b, label: :foo}]
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b, :c]) |> Graph.add_edge(:a, :b, label: :foo)
...> g = Graph.delete_edges(g, [{:a, :b, label: :foo}])
...> Graph.edges(g)
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b, :c]) |> Graph.add_edge(:a, :b)
...> Graph.delete_edges(g, [:a])
** (Graph.EdgeSpecificationError) Expected a valid edge specification, but got: :a
This function can be used to remove all edges between v1
and v2
. This is useful if
you are defining multiple edges between vertices to represent different relationships, but
want to remove them all as if they are a single unit.
iex> g = |> Graph.add_edges([{:a, :b}, {:a, :b, label: :foo}, {:b, :a}])
...> g = Graph.delete_edges(g, :a, :b)
...> Graph.edges(g)
[%Graph.Edge{v1: :b, v2: :a}]
iex> g = :undirected) |> Graph.add_edges([{:a, :b}, {:a, :b, label: :foo}, {:b, :a}])
...> g = Graph.delete_edges(g, :a, :b)
...> Graph.edges(g)
Removes a vertex from the graph, as well as any edges which refer to that vertex. If the vertex does not exist in the graph, it is a no-op.
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertex(:a) |> Graph.add_vertex(:b) |> Graph.add_edge(:a, :b)
...> [:a, :b] = Graph.vertices(g)
...> [%Graph.Edge{v1: :a, v2: :b}] = Graph.edges(g)
...> g = Graph.delete_vertex(g, :b)
...> [:a] = Graph.vertices(g)
...> Graph.edges(g)
Like delete_vertex/2
, but takes a list of vertices to delete from the graph.
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b, :c]) |> Graph.delete_vertices([:a, :b])
...> Graph.vertices(g)
Gets the shortest path between a
and b
As indicated by the name, this uses Dijkstra's algorithm for locating the shortest path, which means that edge weights are taken into account when determining which vertices to search next. By default, all edges have a weight of 1, so vertices are inspected at random; which causes this algorithm to perform a naive depth-first search of the graph until a path is found. If your edges are weighted however, this will allow the algorithm to more intelligently navigate the graph.
iex> g = |> Graph.add_edges([{:a, :b}, {:b, :c}, {:c, :d}, {:b, :d}])
...> Graph.dijkstra(g, :a, :d)
[:a, :b, :d]
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b, :c, :d])
...> g = Graph.add_edges(g, [{:a, :c}, {:b, :c}, {:b, :d}])
...> Graph.dijkstra(g, :a, :d)
@spec edge(t(), vertex(), vertex()) :: Graph.Edge.t() | nil
Get an Edge struct for a specific vertex pair, or vertex pair + label.
iex> g = |> Graph.add_edges([{:a, :b}, {:a, :b, label: :contains}, {:a, :b, label: :uses}])
...> Graph.edge(g, :b, :a)
iex> g = |> Graph.add_edges([{:a, :b}, {:a, :b, label: :contains}, {:a, :b, label: :uses}])
...> Graph.edge(g, :a, :b)
%Graph.Edge{v1: :a, v2: :b}
iex> g = |> Graph.add_edges([{:a, :b}, {:a, :b, label: :contains}, {:a, :b, label: :uses}])
...> Graph.edge(g, :a, :b, :contains)
%Graph.Edge{v1: :a, v2: :b, label: :contains}
iex> g = :undirected) |> Graph.add_edges([{:a, :b}, {:a, :b, label: :contains}, {:a, :b, label: :uses}])
...> Graph.edge(g, :a, :b, :contains)
%Graph.Edge{v1: :a, v2: :b, label: :contains}
@spec edge(t(), vertex(), vertex(), label()) :: Graph.Edge.t() | nil
@spec edges(t()) :: [Graph.Edge.t()]
Return a list of all the edges, where each edge is expressed as a tuple
of {A, B}
, where the elements are the vertices involved, and implying the
direction of the edge to be from A
to B
NOTE: You should be careful when using this on dense graphs, as it produces lists with whatever you've provided as vertices, with likely many copies of each. I'm not sure if those copies are shared in-memory as they are unchanged, so it should be fairly compact in memory, but I have not verified that to be sure.
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertex(:a) |> Graph.add_vertex(:b) |> Graph.add_vertex(:c)
...> g = g |> Graph.add_edge(:a, :c) |> Graph.add_edge(:b, :c)
...> Graph.edges(g)
[%Graph.Edge{v1: :a, v2: :c}, %Graph.Edge{v1: :b, v2: :c}]
@spec edges(t(), vertex()) :: [Graph.Edge.t()]
Returns a list of all edges inbound or outbound from vertex v
iex> g = |> Graph.add_edges([{:a, :b}, {:b, :c}])
...> Graph.edges(g, :b)
[%Graph.Edge{v1: :a, v2: :b}, %Graph.Edge{v1: :b, v2: :c}]
iex> g = |> Graph.add_edges([{:a, :b}, {:b, :c}])
...> Graph.edges(g, :d)
@spec edges(t(), vertex(), vertex()) :: [Graph.Edge.t()]
Returns a list of all edges between v1
and v2
iex> g = |> Graph.add_edge(:a, :b, label: :uses)
...> g = Graph.add_edge(g, :a, :b, label: :contains)
...> Graph.edges(g, :a, :b)
[%Graph.Edge{v1: :a, v2: :b, label: :contains}, %Graph.Edge{v1: :a, v2: :b, label: :uses}]
iex> g = :undirected) |> Graph.add_edge(:a, :b, label: :uses)
...> g = Graph.add_edge(g, :a, :b, label: :contains)
...> Graph.edges(g, :a, :b)
[%Graph.Edge{v1: :a, v2: :b, label: :contains}, %Graph.Edge{v1: :a, v2: :b, label: :uses}]
Builds a list of paths between vertex a
and vertex b
The algorithm used here is a depth-first search, which evaluates the whole graph until all paths are found. Order is guaranteed to be deterministic, but not guaranteed to be in any meaningful order (i.e. shortest to longest).
iex> g = |> Graph.add_edges([{:a, :b}, {:b, :c}, {:c, :d}, {:b, :d}, {:c, :a}])
...> Graph.get_paths(g, :a, :d)
[[:a, :b, :c, :d], [:a, :b, :d]]
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b, :c, :d])
...> g = Graph.add_edges(g, [{:a, :c}, {:b, :c}, {:b, :d}])
...> Graph.get_paths(g, :a, :d)
See dijkstra/3
Returns true if the given vertex exists in the graph. Otherwise false.
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b])
...> Graph.has_vertex?(g, :a)
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b])
...> Graph.has_vertex?(g, :c)
Returns the in-degree of vertex v
of graph g
The in-degree of a vertex is the number of edges directed inbound towards that vertex.
For undirected graphs, the in-degree and out-degree are always the same - the sum total of all edges inbound or outbound from the vertex.
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b, :c]) |> Graph.add_edge(:a, :b)
...> Graph.in_degree(g, :b)
@spec in_edges(t(), vertex()) :: Graph.Edge.t()
Returns a list of Graph.Edge
structs representing the in edges to vertex v
In the case of undirected graphs, it delegates to edges/2
iex> g = |> Graph.add_edges([{:a, :b}, {:a, :b, label: :foo}, {:b, :c}])
...> Graph.in_edges(g, :b)
[%Graph.Edge{v1: :a, v2: :b, label: :foo}, %Graph.Edge{v1: :a, v2: :b}]
Returns a list of vertices which all have edges coming in to the given vertex v
In the case of undirected graphs, it delegates to neighbors/2
iex> g = |> Graph.add_edges([{:a, :b}, {:a, :b, label: :foo}, {:b, :c}])
...> Graph.in_neighbors(g, :b)
@spec info(t()) :: graph_info()
Returns a map of summary information about this graph.
NOTE: The size_in_bytes
value is an estimate, not a perfectly precise value, but
should be close enough to be useful.
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b, :c, :d])
...> g = g |> Graph.add_edges([{:a, :b}, {:b, :c}])
...> match?(%{type: :directed, num_vertices: 4, num_edges: 2},
Returns true if and only if the graph g
is acyclic.
Returns true if the graph is an aborescence, a directed acyclic graph, where the root, a vertex, of the arborescence has a unique path from itself to every other vertex in the graph.
Returns true if the graph g
is not acyclic.
Returns true if graph g1
is a subgraph of g2
A graph is a subgraph of another graph if it's vertices and edges are a subset of that graph's vertices and edges.
iex> g1 = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b, :c, :d]) |> Graph.add_edge(:a, :b) |> Graph.add_edge(:b, :c)
...> g2 = |> Graph.add_vertices([:b, :c]) |> Graph.add_edge(:b, :c)
...> Graph.is_subgraph?(g2, g1)
iex> g1 = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b, :c, :d]) |> Graph.add_edges([{:a, :b}, {:b, :c}])
...> g2 = |> Graph.add_vertices([:b, :c, :e]) |> Graph.add_edges([{:b, :c}, {:c, :e}])
...> Graph.is_subgraph?(g2, g1)
Returns true if and only if the graph g
is a tree.
This function always returns false for undirected graphs.
NOTE: Multiple edges between the same pair of vertices in the same direction are considered a single edge when determining if the provided graph is a tree.
@spec k_cliques(t(), non_neg_integer()) :: [[vertex()]]
Detects all maximal cliques of degree k
Returns a list of cliques, where each clique is a list of vertices in the clique.
@spec k_core(t(), k :: non_neg_integer()) :: t()
Calculates the k-core for a given graph and value of k
A k-core of the graph is a maximal subgraph of g
which contains vertices of which all
have a degree of at least k
. This function returns a new Graph
which is a subgraph
of g
containing all vertices which have a coreness >= the desired value of k
If there is no k-core in the graph for the provided value of k
, an empty Graph
is returned.
If a negative integer is provided for k
, a RuntimeError will be raised.
NOTE: For performance reasons, k-core calculations make use of ETS. If you are sensitive to the number of concurrent ETS tables running in your system, you should be aware of it's usage here. 2 tables are used, and they are automatically cleaned up when this function returns.
@spec k_core_components(t()) :: %{required(k :: non_neg_integer()) => [vertex()]}
Groups all vertices by their k-coreness into a single map.
More commonly you will want a specific k-core, in particular the degeneracy core, for which there are other functions in the API you can use. However if you have a need to determine which k-core each vertex belongs to, this function can be used to do just that.
As an example, you can construct the k-core for a given graph like so:
k_core_vertices =
|> Graph.k_core_components()
|> Stream.filter(fn {k, _} -> k >= desired_k end)
|> Enum.flat_map(fn {_, vs} -> vs end)
Graph.subgraph(g, k_core_vertices)
Updates the labels for the given vertex.
If no such vertex exists in the graph, {:error, {:invalid_vertex, v}}
is returned.
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertex(:a, :foo)
...> [:foo] = Graph.vertex_labels(g, :a)
...> g = Graph.label_vertex(g, :a, :bar)
...> Graph.vertex_labels(g, :a)
[:foo, :bar]
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertex(:a)
...> g = Graph.label_vertex(g, :a, [:foo, :bar])
...> Graph.vertex_labels(g, :a)
[:foo, :bar]
Returns a list of vertices from graph g
which are included in a loop, where a loop is a cycle of length 1.
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b, :c]) |> Graph.add_edge(:a, :a)
...> Graph.loop_vertices(g)
Return all neighboring vertices of the given vertex.
iex> g = |> Graph.add_edges([{:a, :b}, {:b, :a}, {:b, :c}, {:c, :a}])
...> Graph.neighbors(g, :a)
[:b, :c]
iex> g = |> Graph.add_edges([{:a, :b}, {:b, :a}, {:b, :c}, {:c, :a}])
...> Graph.neighbors(g, :d)
Creates a new graph using the provided options.
type: :directed | :undirected
, specifies what type of graph this is. Defaults to a:directed
: a function which accepts a vertex and returns a unique identifier of said vertex. Defaults toGraph.Utils.vertex_id/1
, a hash of the whole vertex utilizing:erlang.phash2/2
#Graph<type: directed, vertices: [], edges: []>
iex> g = :undirected) |> Graph.add_edges([{:a, :b}, {:b, :a}])
...> Graph.edges(g)
[%Graph.Edge{v1: :a, v2: :b}]
iex> g = :directed) |> Graph.add_edges([{:a, :b}, {:b, :a}])
...> Graph.edges(g)
[%Graph.Edge{v1: :a, v2: :b}, %Graph.Edge{v1: :b, v2: :a}]
iex> g = fn v -> :erlang.phash2(v) end) |> Graph.add_edges([{:a, :b}, {:b, :a}])
...> Graph.edges(g)
[%Graph.Edge{v1: :a, v2: :b}, %Graph.Edge{v1: :b, v2: :a}]
@spec num_edges(t()) :: non_neg_integer()
Returns the number of edges in the graph.
Pseudo-edges (label/weight pairs applied to an edge) are not counted, only distinct vertex pairs where an edge exists between them are counted.
iex> g = Graph.add_edges(, [{:a, :b}, {:b, :c}, {:a, :a}])
...> Graph.num_edges(g)
@spec num_vertices(t()) :: non_neg_integer()
Returns the number of vertices in the graph
iex> g = Graph.add_vertices(, [:a, :b, :c])
...> Graph.num_vertices(g)
@spec out_degree(t(), vertex()) :: non_neg_integer()
Returns the out-degree of vertex v
of graph g
The out-degree of a vertex is the number of edges directed outbound from that vertex.
For undirected graphs, the in-degree and out-degree are always the same - the sum total of all edges inbound or outbound from the vertex.
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b, :c]) |> Graph.add_edge(:a, :b)
...> Graph.out_degree(g, :a)
@spec out_edges(t(), vertex()) :: Graph.Edge.t()
Returns a list of Graph.Edge
structs representing the out edges from vertex v
In the case of undirected graphs, it delegates to edges/2
iex> g = |> Graph.add_edges([{:a, :b}, {:a, :b, label: :foo}, {:b, :c}])
...> Graph.out_edges(g, :a)
[%Graph.Edge{v1: :a, v2: :b, label: :foo}, %Graph.Edge{v1: :a, v2: :b}]
Returns a list of vertices which the given vertex v
has edges going to.
In the case of undirected graphs, it delegates to neighbors/2
iex> g = |> Graph.add_edges([{:a, :b}, {:a, :b, label: :foo}, {:b, :c}])
...> Graph.out_neighbors(g, :a)
Returns all vertices of graph g
. The order is given by a depth-first traversal of the graph,
collecting visited vertices in postorder. More precisely, the vertices visited while searching from an
arbitrarily chosen vertex are collected in postorder, and all those collected vertices are placed before
the subsequently visited vertices.
Our example code constructs a graph which looks like so:
/ :c :d
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b, :c, :d, :e])
...> g = Graph.add_edges(g, [{:a, :b}, {:b, :c}, {:b, :d}, {:c, :e}])
...> Graph.postorder(g)
[:e, :c, :d, :b, :a]
Returns all vertices of graph g
. The order is given by a depth-first traversal of the graph,
collecting visited vertices in preorder.
Our example code constructs a graph which looks like so:
/ :c :d
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b, :c, :d, :e])
...> g = Graph.add_edges(g, [{:a, :b}, {:b, :c}, {:b, :d}, {:c, :e}])
...> Graph.preorder(g)
[:a, :b, :c, :e, :d]
Returns an unsorted list of vertices from the graph, such that for each vertex in the list (call it v
there is a path in the graph from some vertex of vs
to v
As paths of length zero are allowed, the vertices of vs
are also included in the returned list.
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b, :c, :d])
...> g = Graph.add_edges(g, [{:a, :b}, {:a, :c}, {:b, :c}, {:c, :d}])
...> Graph.reachable(g, [:a])
[:d, :c, :b, :a]
Returns an unsorted list of vertices from the graph, such that for each vertex in the list (call it v
there is a path in the graph of length one or more from some vertex of vs
to v
As a consequence, only those vertices of vs
that are included in some cycle are returned.
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b, :c, :d])
...> g = Graph.add_edges(g, [{:a, :b}, {:a, :c}, {:b, :c}, {:c, :d}])
...> Graph.reachable_neighbors(g, [:a])
[:d, :c, :b]
Returns an unsorted list of vertices from the graph, such that for each vertex in the list (call it v
there is a path from v
to some vertex of vs
As paths of length zero are allowed, the vertices of vs
are also included in the returned list.
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b, :c, :d])
...> g = Graph.add_edges(g, [{:a, :b}, {:a, :c}, {:b, :c}, {:c, :d}])
...> Graph.reaching(g, [:d])
[:b, :a, :c, :d]
Returns an unsorted list of vertices from the graph, such that for each vertex in the list (call it v
there is a path of length one or more from v
to some vertex of vs
As a consequence, only those vertices of vs
that are included in some cycle are returned.
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b, :c, :d])
...> g = Graph.add_edges(g, [{:a, :b}, {:a, :c}, {:b, :c}, {:c, :a}, {:b, :d}])
...> Graph.reaching_neighbors(g, [:b])
[:b, :c, :a]
iex> graph = |> Graph.add_vertex(:a, [:foo, :bar]) ...> [:foo, :bar] = Graph.vertex_labels(graph, :a) ...> graph = Graph.remove_vertex_labels(graph, :a) ...> Graph.vertex_labels(graph, :a) []
iex> graph = |> Graph.add_vertex(:a, [:foo, :bar]) ...> [:foo, :bar] = Graph.vertex_labels(graph, :a) ...> Graph.remove_vertex_labels(graph, :b) {:error, {:invalid_vertex, :b}}
Replaces vertex
with new_vertex
in the graph.
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b, :c, :d])
...> g = Graph.add_edges(g, [{:a, :b}, {:b, :c}, {:c, :a}, {:c, :d}])
...> [:a, :b, :c, :d] = Graph.vertices(g)
...> g = Graph.replace_vertex(g, :a, :e)
...> [:b, :c, :d, :e] = Graph.vertices(g)
...> Graph.edges(g)
[%Graph.Edge{v1: :b, v2: :c}, %Graph.Edge{v1: :c, v2: :d}, %Graph.Edge{v1: :c, v2: :e}, %Graph.Edge{v1: :e, v2: :b}]
Splits the edges between v1
and v2
by inserting a new vertex, v3
, deleting
the edges between v1
and v2
, and inserting new edges from v1
to v3
and from
to v2
The resulting edges from the split will share the same weight and label as the old edges.
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :c]) |> Graph.add_edge(:a, :c, weight: 2)
...> g = Graph.split_edge(g, :a, :c, :b)
...> Graph.edges(g)
[%Graph.Edge{v1: :a, v2: :b, weight: 2}, %Graph.Edge{v1: :b, v2: :c, weight: 2}]
iex> g = :undirected) |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :c]) |> Graph.add_edge(:a, :c, weight: 2)
...> g = Graph.split_edge(g, :a, :c, :b)
...> Graph.edges(g)
[%Graph.Edge{v1: :a, v2: :b, weight: 2}, %Graph.Edge{v1: :b, v2: :c, weight: 2}]
Returns a list of strongly connected components, where each component is a list of vertices.
A strongly connected component is a maximal subgraph such that there is a path between each pair of vertices.
See components/1
for the definitions of subgraph and maximal subgraph if you are unfamiliar with the
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b, :c, :d])
...> g = Graph.add_edges(g, [{:a, :b}, {:a, :c}, {:b, :c}, {:c, :d}, {:c, :a}])
...> Graph.strong_components(g)
[[:d], [:b, :c, :a]]
Builds a maximal subgraph of g
which includes all of the vertices in vs
and the edges which connect them.
See the test suite for example usage.
Converts the given Graph to DOT format, which can then be converted to
a number of other formats via Graphviz, e.g. dot -Tpng > out.png
If labels are set on a vertex, then those labels are used in the DOT output in place of the vertex itself. If no labels were set, then the vertex is stringified if it's a primitive type and inspected if it's not, in which case the inspect output will be quoted and used as the vertex label in the DOT file.
Edge labels and weights will be shown as attributes on the edge definitions, otherwise they use the same labelling scheme for the involved vertices as described above.
NOTE: Currently this function assumes graphs are directed graphs, but in the future it will support undirected graphs as well.
NOTE: Currently this function assumes graphs are directed graphs, but in the future it will support undirected graphs as well.
NOTE 2: To avoid to overwrite vertices with the same label, output is
generated using the internal numeric ID as vertex label.
Original label is expressed as id[label="<label>"]
> g = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b, :c, :d])
> g = Graph.add_edges(g, [{:a, :b}, {:b, :c}, {:b, :d}, {:c, :d}])
> g = Graph.label_vertex(g, :a, :start)
> g = Graph.label_vertex(g, :d, :finish)
> g = Graph.update_edge(g, :b, :d, weight: 3)
> {:ok, dot} = Graph.to_dot(g)
> IO.puts(dot)
strict digraph {
97 -> 98 [weight=1]
98 -> 99 [weight=1]
98 -> 100 [weight=3]
99 -> 100 [weight=1]
Returns a topological ordering of the vertices of graph g
, if such an ordering exists, otherwise it returns false.
For each vertex in the returned list, no out-neighbors occur earlier in the list.
Multiple edges between two vertices are considered a single edge for purposes of this sort.
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b, :c, :d])
...> g = Graph.add_edges(g, [{:a, :b}, {:a, :c}, {:b, :c}, {:c, :d}])
...> Graph.topsort(g)
[:a, :b, :c, :d]
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b, :c, :d])
...> g = Graph.add_edges(g, [{:a, :b}, {:a, :c}, {:b, :c}, {:c, :d}, {:c, :a}])
...> Graph.topsort(g)
The transposition of a graph is another graph with the direction of all the edges reversed.
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertices([:a, :b, :c]) |> Graph.add_edge(:a, :b) |> Graph.add_edge(:b, :c)
...> g |> Graph.transpose |> Graph.edges
[%Graph.Edge{v1: :b, v2: :a}, %Graph.Edge{v1: :c, v2: :b}]
@spec update_edge(t(), vertex(), vertex(), Graph.Edge.edge_opts()) :: t() | {:error, :no_such_edge}
Given two vertices, this function updates the metadata (weight/label) for the unlabelled edge between those two vertices. If no unlabelled edge exists between them, an error tuple is returned. If you set a label, the unlabelled edge will be replaced with a new labelled edge.
iex> g = |> Graph.add_edge(:a, :b) |> Graph.add_edge(:a, :b, label: :bar)
...> %Graph{} = g = Graph.update_edge(g, :a, :b, weight: 2, label: :foo)
...> Graph.edges(g)
[%Graph.Edge{v1: :a, v2: :b, label: :bar}, %Graph.Edge{v1: :a, v2: :b, label: :foo, weight: 2}]
@spec update_labelled_edge(t(), vertex(), vertex(), label(), Graph.Edge.edge_opts()) :: t() | {:error, :no_such_edge}
Like update_edge/4
, but requires you to specify the labelled edge to update.
Th implementation of update_edge/4
is actually update_edge(g, v1, v2, nil, opts)
iex> g = |> Graph.add_edge(:a, :b) |> Graph.add_edge(:a, :b, label: :bar)
...> %Graph{} = g = Graph.update_labelled_edge(g, :a, :b, :bar, weight: 2, label: :foo)
...> Graph.edges(g)
[%Graph.Edge{v1: :a, v2: :b, label: :foo, weight: 2}, %Graph.Edge{v1: :a, v2: :b}]
iex> g = :undirected) |> Graph.add_edge(:a, :b) |> Graph.add_edge(:a, :b, label: :bar)
...> %Graph{} = g = Graph.update_labelled_edge(g, :a, :b, :bar, weight: 2, label: :foo)
...> Graph.edges(g)
[%Graph.Edge{v1: :a, v2: :b, label: :foo, weight: 2}, %Graph.Edge{v1: :a, v2: :b}]
Returns the label for the given vertex. If no label was assigned, it returns [].
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertex(:a) |> Graph.label_vertex(:a, :my_label)
...> Graph.vertex_labels(g, :a)
Returns a list of all the vertices in the graph.
NOTE: You should be careful when using this on large graphs, as the list it produces contains every vertex on the graph. I have not yet verified whether Erlang ensures that they are a shared reference with the original, or copies, but if the latter it could result in running out of memory if the graph is too large.
iex> g = |> Graph.add_vertex(:a) |> Graph.add_vertex(:b)
...> Graph.vertices(g)
[:a, :b]