View Source Hologram.Assets.PageDigestRegistry behaviour (hologram v0.2.0)
Returns the path of the dump file used by the page digest registry registered process.
Returns the name of the ETS table used by the page digest registry registered process.
Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.
Returns the implementation of the page digest registry's dump path.
Returns the implementation of the page digest registry's ETS table name.
Returns the digest of the given page module.
Reloads the page digest registry data.
Starts page digest registry process.
Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.
See Supervisor
@spec dump_path() :: String.t()
Returns the implementation of the page digest registry's dump path.
@spec ets_table_name() :: atom()
Returns the implementation of the page digest registry's ETS table name.
Returns the digest of the given page module.
@spec reload() :: Hologram.Commons.PLT.t()
Reloads the page digest registry data.
@spec start_link([]) :: GenServer.on_start()
Starts page digest registry process.