View Source Honeybadger.Utils (Honeybadger v0.21.0)

Assorted helper functions used through out the Honeybadger package.



Transform value into a consistently cased string representation

Internally all modules are prefixed with Elixir. This function removes the Elixir prefix from the module when it is converted to a string.

Configurable data sanitization. This currently


Transform value into a consistently cased string representation


iex> Honeybadger.Utils.canonicalize(:User_SSN)
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Internally all modules are prefixed with Elixir. This function removes the Elixir prefix from the module when it is converted to a string.


iex> Honeybadger.Utils.module_to_string(Honeybadger.Utils)
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sanitize(value, opts \\ [])

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Configurable data sanitization. This currently:

  • recursively truncates deep structures (to a depth of 20)
  • constrains large string values (to 64k)
  • filters out any map keys that might contain sensitive information.