HTTP Router with various macros to assist in developing your application and organizing your code
Add the following line to your dependency list
in your mix.exs
file, and run mix deps.get
{:http_router, "~> 0.0.1"}
Also, be sure to add :http_router
to the list
of applications on which your web application
depends (the default looks something like
applications: [:logger]
) in your mix.exs
Be sure to have Plug in your dependency
list as well as this is essentially a
reimagination of the Plug.Router
module, and
as such, it still make use of a large portion
of the Plug library.
To get the benefits that this package has to
offer, it is necessary to use the HttpRouter
module in one of your modules that you wish to
act as the router for your web application.
Similar to Plug.Router
, we can start with a
simple module:
defmodule MyRouter do
use HttpRouter
That was easy, huh? Now, this module still needs a few calls to the below macros, but this depends on how your application needs to be structured.
The Macros
Check out this convoluted example:
defmodule MyRouter do
use HttpRouter
# Define one of the versions of the API
# with a simple version number "1"
# or following semver "1.0.0"
# or date of release "2014-09-06"
version "1" do
# Define your routes here
get "/", Handlers.V1.Pages, :index
get "/pages", Handlers.V1.Pages, :create
post "/pages", Handlers.V1.Pages, :create
put "/pages/:page_id" when id == 1,
Handlers.V1.Pages, :update_only_one
get "/pages/:page_id", Handlers.V1.Pages, :show
# Auto-create a full set of routes for resources
resource :users, Handlers.V1.User, arg: :user_id
# Generates:
# get "/users", Handlers.V1.User, :index
# post "/users", Handlers.V1.User, :create
# get "/users/:user_id", Handlers.V1.User, :show
# put "/users/:user_id", Handlers.V1.User, :update
# patch "/users/:user_id", Handlers.V1.User, :patch
# delete "/users/:user_id", Handlers.V1.User, :delete
# options "/users", "HEAD,GET,POST"
# options "/users/:_user_id", "HEAD,GET,PUT,PATCH,DELETE"
# An updated version of the AP
version "2" do
get "/", Handlers.V2.Pages, :index
post "/pages", Handlers.V2.Pages, :create
get "/pages/:page_id", Handlers.V2.Pages, :show
put "/pages/:page_id", Handlers.V2.Pages, :update
raw :trace, "/trace", Handlers.V2.Tracer, :trace
resource :users, Handlers.V2.User
resource :groups, Handlers.V2.Group
, post/3
, put/3
, patch/3
, delete/3
, and any/3
are already built-in as
described. resource
exists but will need
modifications to create everything as noted.
allows for using custom HTTP methods, allowing
your application to be HTTP spec compliant.
will need to be created outright. Will
allow requests to contained endpoints when version
exists in either Accepts
header or URL (which ever
is defined in app config).
Extra routes will need to be added for *.json
, etc. requests for optionally specifying
desired content type without the use of the
header. These should match
parsing/rendering abilities of your application.
HttpRouter is released under the MIT License.
See LICENSE for details.