HTTPipe v0.9.0 HTTPipe.Response

An HTTP response from a server.



The body returned by the server

Headers returned by the server are stored in a map of header names (in lower case) to their values. The names and values are always of the type String.t

The status code returned by the server


Encapsulates an HTTP response


Returns the value of the requested header, returning the default value if the header does not exist

Inspects the structure of the Response struct passed in the same way IO.inspect/1 might, returning the Response struct so that it can be used easily with pipes


body :: String.t

The body returned by the server.

This will always be a string, even if it is empty. While a server may return different content types, they will always be string encoded and further processing must be done to decode them into a target format.

headers :: %{required(String.t) => String.t}

Headers returned by the server are stored in a map of header names (in lower case) to their values. The names and values are always of the type String.t.

status_code :: 100..599

The status code returned by the server.

Valid status codes are considered to be in the range 100 to 599 (inclusive), but the actual range used by HTTP servers is commonly a smaller subset of that range. See this site for more reference on individual status codes.

t :: %HTTPipe.Response{body: body, headers: headers, status_code: status_code}

Encapsulates an HTTP response


The status code returned by the server. See the status_code type.


The body returned by the server. See the body type.


The headers returned by the server. See the headers type.


get_header(response, header_name, default \\ nil)


get_header(t, String.t, any) :: String.t | any

Returns the value of the requested header, returning the default value if the header does not exist

inspect(resp, opts \\ [])


inspect(t, Keyword.t) :: t

Inspects the structure of the Response struct passed in the same way IO.inspect/1 might, returning the Response struct so that it can be used easily with pipes.

Typically, Kernel.inspect/1, IO.inspect/1, and their companions are implemented using the Inspect protocol. However, the presentation used here can get extremely intrusive when experimenting using IEx, so it’s relegated to this function. Corresponding functions can be found at HTTPipe.Conn.inspect/2 and HTTPipe.Request.inspect/2.

See HTTPipe.InspectionHelpers for more information