


decode(encoded, keys)

Taking a set of keys and an encoded binary, turns it back into text. Example

do_decode(encoded, keys)
do_decode(encoded, tree, decoded)
encode(bin, encoding \\ :utf8)

Encodes the supplied binary, returning the encoded binary and the binary code => key mappings


decode(encoded, keys)

Taking a set of keys and an encoded binary, turns it back into text. Example

iex> {encoded, keys} = Huffman.encode "Lil Wayne is the best rapper alive."
iex> Huffman.decode encoded, keys
"Lil Wayne is the best rapper alive."

Note that decoding will return the same utf encoding as what Huffman.encode was given:

iex> {encoded, keys} = Huffman.encode(<<"bananas"::utf32>>, :utf32)
iex> Huffman.decode(encoded, keys)
<<0, 0, 0, 98, 0, 0, 0, 97, 0, 0, 0, 110, 0, 0, 0, 97, 0, 0, 0, 110, 0, 0, 0, 97, 0, 0, 0, 115>>
do_decode(encoded, keys)
do_decode(encoded, tree, decoded)
encode(bin, encoding \\ :utf8)

Encodes the supplied binary, returning the encoded binary and the binary code => key mappings.


iex> {encoded, keys} = Huffman.encode “Lil Wayne is the best rapper alive.” iex> encoded <<120, 78, 203, 140, 247, 7, 234, 91, 183, 29, 114, 181, 92, 94, 208, 67, 14::size(6)>> iex> keys %{<<0::size(3)>> => “i”, <<2::size(4)>> => “r”, <<3::size(4)>> => “s”, <<4::size(4)>> => “l”, <<5::size(4)>> => “p”, <<12::size(5)>> => “W”, <<13::size(5)>> => “b”, <<14::size(5)>> => “.”, <<15::size(5)>> => “L”, <<16::size(5)>> => “v”, <<17::size(5)>> => “y”, <<18::size(5)>> => “h”, <<19::size(5)>> => “n”, <<10::size(4)>> => “t”, <<11::size(4)>> => “a”, <<6::size(3)>> => “e”, <<7::size(3)>> => “ “}

It encodes based on utf8 codepoints by default:

iex> Huffman.encode("ƒøߪ™º£:")
{<<159, 10, 90>>,
%{<<0::size(3)>> => "ª", <<1::size(3)>> => "º", <<2::size(3)>> => ":", <<3::size(3)>> => "£", <<4::size(3)>> => "ƒ",
  <<5::size(3)>> => "™", <<6::size(3)>> => "ß", <<7::size(3)>> => "ø"}}

But you can also specify utf16 or utf32:

iex> Huffman.encode(<<"bananas"::utf16>>, :utf16)
{<<141, 21::size(5)>>,
 %{<<0::size(1)>> => <<0, 97>>, <<4::size(3)>> => <<0, 98>>,
   <<5::size(3)>> => <<0, 115>>, <<3::size(2)>> => <<0, 110>>}}

iex> Huffman.encode(<<"bananas"::utf32>>, :utf32)
{<<141, 21::size(5)>>,
%{<<0::size(1)>> => <<0, 0, 0, 97>>, <<4::size(3)>> => <<0, 0, 0, 98>>,
<<5::size(3)>> => <<0, 0, 0, 115>>, <<3::size(2)>> => <<0, 0, 0, 110>>}}