Hydrax.Registry (Hydrax v0.7.0) View Source

A PID registry for use across nodes in a cluster.

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Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor. See Supervisor.

Return the PID via-tuple for an id and name pair.

Lookup all PIDs associated with the given id.

Lookup the PIDs associated with the given id and name.

Remove the given key from the registry.

Takes a registered name in the form of a :via tuple and unwraps it to return the key.

Link to this section Functions

Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor. See Supervisor.

Return the PID via-tuple for an id and name pair.


iex> Hydrax.Registry.pid_name("foo", "bar") {:via, Horde.Registry, {Hydrax.Registry, {"foo", "bar"}}}

Lookup all PIDs associated with the given id.

Lookup the PIDs associated with the given id and name.

Remove the given key from the registry.

Takes a registered name in the form of a :via tuple and unwraps it to return the key.