View Source Igniter.Libs.Phoenix (igniter v0.3.33)

Codemods & utilities for working with Phoenix



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add_pipeline(igniter, name, contents, opts \\ [])

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add_scope(igniter, route, contents, opts \\ [])

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endpoints_for_router(igniter, router)

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@spec endpoints_for_router(igniter :: Igniter.t(), router :: module()) ::
  {Igniter.t(), [module()]}
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select_router(igniter, label \\ "Which router should be modified?")

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@spec web_module(Igniter.t()) :: module()

Returns the web module name for the current app

This function is deprecated. Use `web_module/0` instead..
@spec web_module_name() :: module()

Returns the web module name for the current app

This function is deprecated. Use `web_module_name/1` instead..
@spec web_module_name(String.t()) :: module()

Generates a module name that lives in the Web directory of the current app.

Link to this function

web_module_name(igniter, suffix)

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@spec web_module_name(Igniter.t(), String.t()) :: module()