View Source Igniter.Project.Application (igniter v0.3.49)

Codemods and tools for working with Application modules.



Adds a new child to the children list in the application file

Returns the name of the application module.

app_name() deprecated

Returns the name of the current application.

Returns the name of the application.


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add_new_child(igniter, to_supervise, opts \\ [])

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@spec add_new_child(
  module() | {module(), {:code, term()}} | {module(), term()},
  opts :: Keyword.t()
) :: Igniter.t()

Adds a new child to the children list in the application file

To pass quoted code as the options, use the following format:

{module, {:code, quoted_code}}


{MyApp.Supervisor, {:code, quote do
  Application.fetch_env!(:app, :config)


  • after - A list of other modules that this supervisor should appear after, or a function that takes a module and returns true if this module should be placed after it.
  • opts_updater - A function that takes the current options (second element of the child tuple), and returns a new value. If the existing value of the module is not a tuple, the value passed into your function will be []. Your function must return {:ok, zipper} or {:error | :warning, "error_or_warning"}.


We will put the new child as the earliest item in the list that we can, skipping any modules in the after option.

Returns the name of the application module.

This function is deprecated. Use `app_name/1` instead..
@spec app_name() :: atom()

Returns the name of the current application.

@spec app_name(Igniter.t()) :: atom()

Returns the name of the application.

Link to this function

create_app(igniter, application)

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Link to this function

create_application_file(igniter, application)

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Link to this function

do_add_child(igniter, application, to_supervise, opts)

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Link to this function

skip_after(zipper, opts)

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