

The initializer function takes in the path & the app state and returns a JSON value which can be serialized and sent to the client to initialize the application state before the first client render

pub type Initializer(context, error) =
  fn(Path, context) -> Result(Json, error)

A generated server-side application

pub opaque type ServerApp(context, model, action, error)

The options necessary to initialize the client-side lustre app

pub type ServerAppBuilder(context, model, action, error) {
    view: illustrious.View(model, action),
    html_headers: illustrious.View(model, action),
    default_model: model,
    updater: state.Updater(model, action),
    decoder: state.Decoder(action),
    initializer: Initializer(context, error),
    loader: ServerLoader(context, error),
    error_serializer: fn(error) -> String,


  • ServerAppBuilder(
      view: illustrious.View(model, action),
      html_headers: illustrious.View(model, action),
      default_model: model,
      updater: state.Updater(model, action),
      decoder: state.Decoder(action),
      initializer: Initializer(context, error),
      loader: ServerLoader(context, error),
      error_serializer: fn(error) -> String,


    • view

      The function which takes in the application from the path and model, and renders the application

    • html_headers

      A view of html headers. Used to render inside the <head> tag during server-side rendering.

    • default_model

      The initial application state before any baked data is processed

    • updater

      The function used to update application state based on the previous model and an action being performed

    • decoder

      The function which transforms a JSON payload (in the form of initializer data or page loader data)

    • initializer

      The function called when a page is first loaded, which takes in the application path and context, in order to initialize the application state.

      Returns a Result containing a Json object (or a Json array of objects) which can be deserialized using the decoder and applied in order to the app state using the updater to generate the initial application state upon first loading a route.

      If the Result is instead an Error, the contained error is serialized into a string using the error_serializer function.

    • loader

      The function called whenever a route change occurs, which takes in the application path and context, in order to send data to the client to update its state.

      Returns a Result containing a Json object (or a Json array of objects) which can be deserialized using the decoder and applied in order to the app state using the updater to generate the new application state upon changing to a new route.

      If the Result is instead an Error, the contained error is serialized into a string using the error_serializer function.

    • error_serializer

      A function which takes in any errors generated by the initializer or loader functions and returns a String

The server loader function takes in the path and returns a JSON value which can be used to populate the server state and also serialized and sent to the client in order to initialize the state there as well

pub type ServerLoader(context, error) =
  fn(Path, context) -> Result(Json, error)

The result of calling a ServerApp’s request_handler function.

pub type ServerResult(action) {


  • View(element.Element(IllustriousAction(action)))

    The type of result which comes from the request matching a page route.

  • Data(Json)

    The type of result sent whenever a request comes in that calls the app’s loader function, which gets sent to the client to update the model.

  • ServerError(String)

    The type of result which comes from an error occuring during initialization, rendering, or loading.

  • NoResult

    The type of result when no route is matched.


pub fn build_app(
  builder: ServerAppBuilder(a, b, c, d),
) -> ServerApp(a, b, c, d)

Create a ServerApp based on the builder passed in.

pub fn handle_request(
  app: ServerApp(a, b, c, d),
  method: Method,
  path: List(String),
  body: String,
  context: a,
) -> ServerResult(c)

The function to handle a request sent to the server applicaiton.

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