View Source Inertia.Controller (Inertia v2.1.0)
Controller functions for rendering Inertia.js responses.
Assigns errors to the Inertia page data. This helper accepts an
(and automatically serializes its errors into a shape
compatible with Inertia), or a bare map of errors.
Assigns a prop value to the Inertia page data.
Enable (or disable) automatic conversion of prop keys from snake case (e.g.
), which is conventional in Elixir, to camel case (e.g.
), which is conventional in JavaScript.
Instuct the client-side to clear the history.
Instuct the client-side to encrypt history for this page.
Marks a prop value as "always included", which means it will be included in the props on initial page load and subsequent partial loads (even when it's not explicitly requested).
Marks that a prop should fetched immediately after the page is loaded on the client-side.
Marks that a prop should be merged with existing data on the client-side.
Marks a prop value as optional, which means it will only get evaluated if explicitly requested in a partial reload.
Renders an Inertia response.
@type always() :: {:keep, any()}
@type merge() :: {:merge, any()}
@type optional() :: {:optional, (... -> any())}
@type render_opt() :: {:ssr, boolean()}
@type render_opts() :: [render_opt()]
@spec assign_errors(Plug.Conn.t(), data :: Ecto.Changeset.t() | map()) :: Plug.Conn.t()
Assigns errors to the Inertia page data. This helper accepts an
(and automatically serializes its errors into a shape
compatible with Inertia), or a bare map of errors.
If you are serializing your own errors, they should take the following shape:
"name" => "Name is required",
"password" => "Password must be at least 5 characters",
"" => "Team name is required",
When assigning a changeset, you may optionally pass a message-generating function
to use when traversing errors. See Ecto.Changeset.traverse_errors/2
for more information about the message function.
defp default_msg_func({msg, opts}) do
Enum.reduce(opts, msg, fn {key, value}, acc ->
String.replace(acc, "%{#{key}}", fn _ -> to_string(value) end)
This default implementation performs a simple string replacement for error
message containing variables, like count
. For example, given the following
{"should be at least %{count} characters", [count: 3, validation: :length, min: 3]}
The generated description would be "should be at least 3 characters". If you would
prefer to use the Gettext
module for pluralizing and localizing error messages, you
can override the message function:
|> assign_errors(changeset, fn {msg, opts} ->
if count = opts[:count] do
Gettext.dngettext(MyAppWeb.Gettext, "errors", msg, msg, count, opts)
Gettext.dgettext(MyAppWeb.Gettext, "errors", msg, opts)
@spec assign_errors(Plug.Conn.t(), data :: Ecto.Changeset.t(), msg_func :: function()) :: Plug.Conn.t()
@spec assign_prop(Plug.Conn.t(), atom(), any()) :: Plug.Conn.t()
Assigns a prop value to the Inertia page data.
@spec camelize_props(Plug.Conn.t()) :: Plug.Conn.t()
Enable (or disable) automatic conversion of prop keys from snake case (e.g.
), which is conventional in Elixir, to camel case (e.g.
), which is conventional in JavaScript.
Using camelize_props
here will convert first_name
to firstName
in the
response props.
|> assign_prop(:first_name, "Bob")
|> camelize_props()
|> render_inertia("Home")
You may also pass a boolean to the camelize_props
function (to override any
previously-set or globally-configured value):
|> assign_prop(:first_name, "Bob")
|> camelize_props(false)
|> render_inertia("Home")
@spec camelize_props(Plug.Conn.t(), boolean()) :: Plug.Conn.t()
@spec clear_history(Plug.Conn.t()) :: Plug.Conn.t()
Instuct the client-side to clear the history.
@spec clear_history(Plug.Conn.t(), boolean()) :: Plug.Conn.t()
@spec encrypt_history(Plug.Conn.t()) :: Plug.Conn.t()
Instuct the client-side to encrypt history for this page.
@spec encrypt_history(Plug.Conn.t(), boolean()) :: Plug.Conn.t()
Marks a prop value as "always included", which means it will be included in the props on initial page load and subsequent partial loads (even when it's not explicitly requested).
Marks that a prop should fetched immediately after the page is loaded on the client-side.
Marks that a prop should be merged with existing data on the client-side.
Marks a prop value as optional, which means it will only get evaluated if explicitly requested in a partial reload.
Optional props will only be included the when explicitly requested in a partial reload. If you want to include the prop on first visit, you'll want to use a bare anonymous function or named function reference instead.
# ALWAYS included on first visit...
# OPTIONALLY included on partial reloads...
# ALWAYS evaluated...
|> assign_prop(:cheap_thing, cheap_thing())
# ALWAYS included on first visit...
# OPTIONALLY included on partial reloads...
# ONLY evaluated when needed...
|> assign_prop(:expensive_thing, fn -> calculate_thing() end)
|> assign_prop(:another_expensive_thing, &calculate_another_thing/0)
# NEVER included on first visit...
# OPTIONALLY included on partial reloads...
# ONLY evaluated when needed...
|> assign_prop(:super_expensive_thing, inertia_optional(fn -> calculate_thing() end))
@spec render_inertia(Plug.Conn.t(), component :: String.t()) :: Plug.Conn.t()
Renders an Inertia response.
: whether to server-side render the response (see the docs on "Server-side rendering" in the README for more information on setting this up). Defaults to the globally-configured value, orfalse
if no global config is specified.
|> assign_prop(:user_id, 1)
|> render_inertia("SettingsPage")
You may pass additional props as map for the third argument:
|> assign_prop(:user_id, 1)
|> render_inertia("SettingsPage", %{name: "Bob"})
You may also pass options for the last positional argument:
|> assign_prop(:user_id, 1)
|> render_inertia("SettingsPage", ssr: true)
|> assign_prop(:user_id, 1)
|> render_inertia("SettingsPage", %{name: "Bob"}, ssr: true)
@spec render_inertia( Plug.Conn.t(), component :: String.t(), inline_props_or_opts :: map() | render_opts() ) :: Plug.Conn.t()
@spec render_inertia( Plug.Conn.t(), component :: String.t(), props :: map(), opts :: render_opts() ) :: Plug.Conn.t()