View Source InputEvent (input_event v1.4.2)

Elixir interface to Linux input event devices



Event code

Event structure

Message that is sent to the caller when input event received

Options for the InputEvent Genserver

Event type

The type of event

An unknown event type

Event value


Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

Scan the system for input devices and return information on each one.

Return information about this input event device

Start a GenServer that reports events from the specified input event device

Stop the InputEvent GenServer.


@type code() :: atom() | code_number()

Event code

Usually these are translated to an atom that corresponds with the Linux event code. Event codes depend on the event type.

@type code_number() :: 0..65535
@type event() :: {type(), code(), value()}

Event structure

@type events_message() :: {:input_event, String.t(), [event()]}

Message that is sent to the caller when input event received

@type options() :: [
  path: String.t(),
  grab: boolean(),
  receiver: pid() | atom(),
  repeat_delay: pos_integer(),
  repeat_period: pos_integer()

Options for the InputEvent Genserver

@type type() :: type_name() | type_number()

Event type

Usually these are translated to an atom that corresponds with the Linux event type.

@type type_name() ::
  | :ev_key
  | :ev_rel
  | :ev_abs
  | :ev_msc
  | :ev_sw
  | :ev_led
  | :ev_snd
  | :ev_rep
  | :ev_ff
  | :ev_pwr
  | :ev_ff_status

The type of event

@type type_number() :: 0..65535

An unknown event type

@type value() :: integer()

Event value

See the event type and code for how to interpret the value. For example, it could be a 0 or 1 signifying a key press or release, or it could be an x or y coordinate or delta.


Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

See Supervisor.

@spec enumerate() :: [{String.t(), InputEvent.Info.t()}]

Scan the system for input devices and return information on each one.

@spec info(GenServer.server()) :: InputEvent.Info.t()

Return information about this input event device

@spec start_link(String.t() | options()) :: GenServer.on_start()

Start a GenServer that reports events from the specified input event device


  • :path - the path to the input event device (e.g., "/dev/input/event0")
  • :grab - set to true to prevent events from being passed to other applications (defaults to false)
  • :repeat_delay - delay in milliseconds before a key press repeats
  • :repeat_period - period in milliseconds in which a key press will repeat
  • :receiver - the pid or name of the process that receives events (defaults to the process that calls start_link/1

Note that passing the device path rather than a keyword list to start_link/1 is deprecated.

When adjusting the key repeat rate, you must set BOTH :repeat_delay and :repeat_period for input_event to make the change. Be careful setting repeat timing in multiple places on the same device path! You might override your own settings!

@spec stop(GenServer.server()) :: :ok

Stop the InputEvent GenServer.