View Source IO.ANSI.Table.Style (IO ANSI Table v1.0.34)

Defines functions returning various aspects of the configured table styles.



Style attribute

Table border


Table style


Returns the "border attribute" of a given table style and line type.

Returns the "border spreads" of a given table style and line type.

Returns the borders of a given table style and line type.

Returns the dash of a given table style and line type.

Returns the "filler attribute" of a given table style and line type.

Converts a switch argument into a table style. E.g. green-alt in: no tx -blt green-alt 11.

Returns the "key attribute" of a given table style and line type.

Returns the "line types" of a given table style.

Returns the "non-key attribute" of a given table style and line type.

Returns the sorted list of all style IDs.

Lists all the table styles alphabetically.

Returns a list of interpolated texts (for all styles) based on template.

Converts a table style into a switch argument.


@type attr() :: atom() | [atom()]

Style attribute

@type border() :: String.t()

Table border

@type t() :: atom()

Table style


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border_attr(style, type)

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@spec border_attr(t(), IO.ANSI.Table.LineType.t()) :: attr() | nil

Returns the "border attribute" of a given table style and line type.


iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
iex> Style.border_attr(:green, :top)
[:light_white, :green_background]

iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
iex> Style.border_attr(:cyan_alt, :odd_row)
[:chartreuse_yellow, :chartreuse_yellow_background]
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border_spreads(style, type)

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@spec border_spreads(t(), IO.ANSI.Table.LineType.t()) :: [

Returns the "border spreads" of a given table style and line type.


iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
iex> Style.border_spreads(:plain, :bottom)
[[0, 2, 0], [0, 3, 0], [0, 2, 0]] # borders: "└─", "─┴─", "─┘"

iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
iex> Style.border_spreads(:plain, :header)
[[0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0]] # borders: "│" ,  "│" ,  "│"
@spec borders(t(), IO.ANSI.Table.LineType.t()) :: [border()]

Returns the borders of a given table style and line type.


iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
iex> Style.borders(:cyan, :bottom)
["╚═", "═╩═", "═╝"]
@spec dash(t(), IO.ANSI.Table.LineType.t()) :: String.t() | nil

Returns the dash of a given table style and line type.


iex> IO.ANSI.Table.Style
iex> Style.dash(:dark, :top)

iex> IO.ANSI.Table.Style
iex> Style.dash(:dark, :row)
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filler_attr(style, type)

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@spec filler_attr(t(), IO.ANSI.Table.LineType.t()) :: attr() | nil

Returns the "filler attribute" of a given table style and line type.


iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
iex> Style.filler_attr(:mixed, :row)

iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
iex> Style.filler_attr(:cyan_alt, :odd_row)
@spec from_switch_arg(String.t()) :: {:ok, t()} | :error

Converts a switch argument into a table style. E.g. green-alt in: no tx -blt green-alt 11.


iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
iex> Style.from_switch_arg("green-alt")
{:ok, :green_alt}

iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
iex> Style.from_switch_arg("lite")
@spec key_attr(t(), IO.ANSI.Table.LineType.t()) :: attr() | nil

Returns the "key attribute" of a given table style and line type.


iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
iex> Style.key_attr(:light, :row)

iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
iex> Style.key_attr(:light, :header)
[:gold, :underline]
@spec line_types(t()) :: [IO.ANSI.Table.LineType.t()]

Returns the "line types" of a given table style.


iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
iex> Style.line_types(:light)
[:top, :header, :separator, [:row], :bottom]

iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
iex> Style.line_types(:green_alt)
[:top, :header, :separator, [:even_row, :odd_row]]
Link to this function

non_key_attr(style, type)

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@spec non_key_attr(t(), IO.ANSI.Table.LineType.t()) :: attr() | nil

Returns the "non-key attribute" of a given table style and line type.


iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
iex> Style.non_key_attr(:cyan, :row)
[:black, :cyan_background]
@spec styles() :: [t()]

Returns the sorted list of all style IDs.


iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
iex> length Style.styles

iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
iex> Enum.take Style.styles, 7
[:bare, :barish, :cyan, :cyan_alt, :cyan_border, :cyan_mult, :dark]
@spec table_styles() :: Keyword.t()

Lists all the table styles alphabetically.

@spec texts(String.t()) :: [String.t()]

Returns a list of interpolated texts (for all styles) based on template.


iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
iex> Style.texts("  - `&style`&filler - &note\n") |> Enum.slice(16..18)
["  - `:green_border`          - light green border\n",
 "  - `:green_border_padded`   - light green border with extra padding\n",
 "  - `:green_border_unpadded` - light green border without padding\n"]

Interpolation placeholders

  • &style - table style (e.g. ":light_alt")
  • &arg - table style switch arg (e.g. "light-alt")
  • &filler - padding after &style or &arg
  • &note - table style note
  • &rank - table style rank (3 digits)
@spec to_switch_arg(t()) :: String.t() | nil

Converts a table style into a switch argument.


iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
iex> Style.to_switch_arg(:green_alt)

iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
iex> Style.to_switch_arg(:lite)