View Source iso8583_erl (iso8583_erl v0.4.1)

this module is the api file for the iso8583_erl project



for creating the final bitmap

gets the bitmap type from the specification.

this is for getting a particular field,mti,bitmap in an iso message back

for getting the final size of the message to be sent

gets the specification for a particular field.

creates a map which contains the various data elements and the bitmap type from a specification file.

for packing a map containing iso fields into iolist.

for setting the fields for an iso message

for setting multiple fields at the same time if setting a field,number must be between 2 and 128

this is for setting the mti of a message

for unpacking a formatted iso messages from iolist/list into map format.


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add_echo_fields(Map_transaction, Map_recipient, Specification_mti)

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-spec add_echo_fields(map(), map(), map()) -> map().
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check_mandatory_fields(List_mandatory_keys, Map_fields)

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-spec check_mandatory_fields(list(), map()) -> true | false.
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create_bitmap(Type_bitmap, Bitmap_final_bit)

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-spec create_bitmap(binary | hex, binary()) -> binary() | list().

for creating the final bitmap

this bitmap is an 8/16 byte binary with each byte being represented by an integer.

integer converted to a 2 bit binary represents presence or absence of those fields

example below
  8> iso8583_erl:create_bitmap(hex,
  .. <<0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0>>).
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-spec get_bitmap_type(map()) -> hex | binary.

gets the bitmap type from the specification.

example below
  130> iso8583_erl:get_bitmap_type(Spec).
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get_field(Fld_num, Iso_Map)

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-spec get_field(Fld_num :: pos_integer() | mti | bit, Iso_Map :: map()) -> {ok, term()} | error.

this is for getting a particular field,mti,bitmap in an iso message back

if getting a field,number must be between 2 and 128.

example below for getting transaction amount i.e. field 4
  175> iso8583_erl:get_field(4,Map_message).
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get_size_send(Fields_iolist, Length_max_size)

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-spec get_size_send(iolist(), non_neg_integer()) -> list().

for getting the final size of the message to be sent

this is usually done because the receiver of the message expects a header containing the size of the whole message so

message can be processed on the receiving end of the socket in a streaming fashion or as a one of message.

the length of the header which will hold the size of the message is the second arguement.

example below
  11> Spec = iso8583_erl:load_specification(code:priv_dir(iso8583_erl)++"/"++"spec.cfg").
  12> Message_send = iso8583_erl:set_field_list([{mti,<<"0200">>},{3,<<"201234">>},{4,<<"4.5">>},{5,<<"5000">>},{102,<<"123413243">>},{103,<<"12897979987">>}]).
  #{3 => <<"201234">>,4 => <<"4.5">>,5 => <<"5000">>,102 => <<"123413243">>,103 => <<"12897979987">>,mti => <<"0200">>}
  13> Iso_Response = iso8583_erl:pack(Message_send,Spec).
  14> Final_size =  iso8583_erl:get_size_send(Iso_Response,4).
  Final_socket_send = [Final_size,Iso_Response],
  io:format("~n sent server message is ~p",[Final_socket_send]),
  case gen_tcp:connect(Host, Port, [list, {active, once}]) of
       {ok, Socket} ->
 			ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket,Final_socket_send),
 			ok = gen_tcp:close(Socket);
 		{error, Error} ->
             error_logger:format("Connection failed: ~ts~n", [inet:format_error(Error)])
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get_spec_field(Field, Specification)

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-spec get_spec_field(non_neg_integer(), map()) -> tuple().

gets the specification for a particular field.

field number must be between 2 and 128.

example below
  119> iso8583_erl:get_spec_field(2,Spec).
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get_spec_mti(Spec_type, Mti, Spec_field_map)

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-spec get_spec_mti(atom(), map(), map()) -> list() | error.
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-spec load_specification(string() | binary()) -> map().

creates a map which contains the various data elements and the bitmap type from a specification file.

will throw an exception if specification file has wrong field information.

example below
  70> Spec = iso8583_erl:load_specification(code:priv_dir(iso8583_erl)++"/"++"spec.cfg").
  #{16 => {4,fx,0,"MMDD",{none,none}},
   107 => {999,vl,3,"ANS",{none,none}},
   115 => {999,vl,3,"ANS",{none,none}},...}
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-spec load_specification_mti(string() | binary()) -> map().
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pack(Map_pack, Specification)

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-spec pack(Map_pack, Specification) -> list() when Map_pack :: map(), Specification :: map().

for packing a map containing iso fields into iolist.

example below
  135>Spec = iso8583_erl:load_specification(code:priv_dir(iso8583_erl)++"/"++"spec.cfg").
   .. {ok,First_map} = iso8583_erl:set_mti(maps:new(),<<"0200">>),
   .. {ok,Second_map} = iso8583_erl:set_field(First_map,3,<<"201234">>),
   .. {ok,Third_map} = iso8583_erl:set_field(Second_map,4,<<"4.5">>),
   .. {ok,Fourth_map} = iso8583_erl:set_field(Third_map,5,<<"5000">>),
   .. {ok,Fifth_map} = iso8583_erl:set_field(Fourth_map,102,<<"123413243">>),
   .. {ok,Six_map} = iso8583_erl:set_field(Fifth_map,103,<<"12897979987">>),
   .. [Mti,Bitmap_final_bit,Fields_list] = iso8583_erl:pack(Six_map,Spec).
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set_field(Iso_Map, Fld_num, Fld_val)

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-spec set_field(Iso_Map :: map(), Fld_num :: pos_integer() | mti, Fld_val :: binary()) -> {ok, map()}.

for setting the fields for an iso message

field number must be between 2 and 128

example below for setting the primary account number(PAN) i.e. field 2
  180> iso8583_erl:set_field(maps:new(),2,<<"4846801212341234129">>).
  {ok,#{2 => <<"4846801212341234129">>}}
-spec set_field_list(List :: list()) -> map().

for setting multiple fields at the same time if setting a field,number must be between 2 and 128

example below
  183>  iso8583_erl:set_field_list([{mti,<<"0200">>},{3,<<"201234">>},{4,<<"4.5">>},{5,<<"5000">>},{102,<<"123413243">>},{103,<<"12897979987">>}]).
  #{3 => <<"201234">>,4 => <<"4.5">>,5 => <<"5000">>,
  102 => <<"123413243">>,103 => <<"12897979987">>,
  mti => <<"0200">>}
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set_mti(Iso_Map, Fld_val)

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-spec set_mti(Iso_Map :: map(), Fld_val :: binary()) -> {ok, map()}.

this is for setting the mti of a message

example below for setting the mti for a reversal(1420)

  185> iso8583_erl:set_mti(maps:new(),<<"1420">>).
  {ok,#{mti => <<"1420">>}}
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unpack(IsoMessage, Specification)

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-spec unpack(IsoMessage, Specification) -> map() when IsoMessage :: [integer()], Specification :: map().

for unpacking a formatted iso messages from iolist/list into map format.

example below
  161> Spec = iso8583_erl:load_specification(code:priv_dir(iso8583_erl)++"/"++"spec.cfg").
  162> Message.
  163> iso8583_erl:unpack(Message,Spec).
  #{3 => <<"201234">>,4 => <<"0000000004.5">>,
   5 => <<"000000005000">>,102 => <<"123413243">>,
   103 => <<"12897979987">>,mti => <<"0200">>,
   bit => <<"B8000000000000000000000006000000">>}