ja_resource v0.2.0 JaResource.Update behaviour

Defines a behaviour for updating a resource and the function to execute it.

It relies on (and uses):

  • JaResource.Record
  • JaResource.Attributes

When used JaResource.Update defines the update/2 action suitable for handling json-api requests.

To customize the behaviour of the update action the following callbacks can be implemented:

  • JaResource.Record.record/2
  • JaResource.Records.records/1
  • handle_update/3
  • JaResource.Attributes.permitted_attributes/3



Execute the update action on a given module implementing Update behaviour and conn


Returns an unpersisted changeset or persisted model representing the newly updated model


call(controller, conn)

Execute the update action on a given module implementing Update behaviour and conn.


handle_update(arg0, arg1, arg2)


handle_update(Plug.Conn.t, JaResource.record, JaResource.attributes) ::
  Plug.Conn.t |
  JaResource.record |

Returns an unpersisted changeset or persisted model representing the newly updated model.

Receives the conn, the model as found by record/2, and the attributes argument from the permitted_attributes function.

Default implementation returns the results of calling Model.changeset(model, attrs).

handle_update/3 can return an %Ecto.Changeset, an Ecto.Schema struct, a list of errors ({:error, [email: "is not valid"]} or a conn with any response/body.

Example custom implementation:

def handle_update(conn, post, attributes) do
  current_user_id = conn.assigns[:current_user].id
  case post.author_id do
    ^current_user_id -> {:error, author_id: "you can only edit your own posts"}
    _                -> Post.changeset(post, attributes, :update)