ja_resource v0.3.1 JaResource.Plug

Implements a plug that dispatches Phoenix actions to JaResource action behaviours.

You can optionally whitelist or blacklist the actions JaResource will respond to. Any actions outside of the standard index, show, create, update, and delete are always ignored and dispatched by Phoenix as usual. Any non-whitelisted or blacklisted actions are likewize passed to Phoenix as usual.

For example:

defmodule MyApp.V1.ArticleController do
  use MyApp.Web, :controller
  use JaResource
  plug JaResource, except: [:delete]
  # same as:
  # plug JaResource, only: [:index, :show, :create, :update]

  # Standard Phoenix Delete
  def delete(conn, params) do
    # Custom delete logic

  # Non restful action
  def publish(conn, params) do
    # Custom publish logic

When dispatching an action you must have implemented the action behaviours callbacks. This is typically done with use JaResource and customized. Alternatively you can use the individual actions, such as use JaResource.Create. You can even include just the behaviour and define all the callbacks yourself via @behaviour JaResource.Create.

See the action behaviours to learn how to customize each action.



Callback implementation for c:Plug.call/2

Callback implementation for c:Plug.init/1


call(conn, opts)

Callback implementation for c:Plug.call/2.


Callback implementation for c:Plug.init/1.