ja_serializer v0.14.0 JaSerializer

A library for generating JSON-API.org spec compliant JSON.

JaSerializer has three main public components:

  • JaSerializer.Serializer - A Behaviour defining how a particular object is serialized. Provides default empty callbacks and ability to override.

  • JaSerializer.DSL - A macro based DSL that sits on top of the Behaviour for quick, clean, and easy definition of serializers.

  • JaSerializer.PhoenixView - Provides render functions for a view to take advantage of the serialization interface.

When used the JaSerializer module includes the Behaviour and DSL by default. The DSL can be opted out of by passing dsl: false, eg:

defmodule MyApp.PostSerializer do
  use JaSerializer, dsl: false
  # ...

If using JaSerializer with Phoenix, your normal entry point is JaSerializer.PhoenixView, eg:

defmodule MyApp.PostView do
  use MyApp.Web, :view
  use JaSerializer.PhoenixView
  # ...

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format(serializer, data, conn \\ %{}, opts \\ [])

Main serialization method.

Accepts a module implementing the JaSerializer.Serializer behaviour, data, the conn and opts and returns a map ready for json encoding.