ja_serializer v0.15.0 JaSerializer.Serializer behaviour View Source

A Behaviour for defining JSON-API.org spec complaint payloads.

The following callbacks are available:

  • id/2 - Return ID of struct to be serialized.
  • type/2 - Return string type of struct to be serialized.
  • attributes/2 - A map of attributes to be serialized.
  • relationships/2- A map of HasMany and HasOne data structures.
  • links/2 - A keyword list of any links pertaining to this struct.
  • meta/2 - A map of any additional meta information to be serialized.
  • preload/3 - A special callback that can be used to preload related data.

A Serializer (or view) is typically one of the few places in an API where content and context are both present. To accomodate this each callback gets the data being serialized (typically a struct, often called a model) and the Plug.Conn as arguments. Context data such as the current user, role, etc should typically be made available on the conn.

When useing this module all callbacks get a default, overridable implementation. The JaSerializer.DSL module also provides some default implementations of these callbacks built up from the DSL. When using the DSL overriding the Behaviour functions can be a great way to customize conditional logic.

While not typically used directly, the interface for returning formatted data is also defined. The results still need to be encoded into JSON as appropriate.

defmodule FooSerializer do
  use JaSerializer

# Format one foo
FooSerializer.format(one_foo, conn, meta)

# Format many foos
FooSerializer.format(many_foos, conn, meta)

Link to this section Summary


Returns a map of attributes to be serialized

The id to be used in the resource object

return links about this resource

Adds meta data to the individual resource being serialized

A special callback that can be used to preload related data

A callback that should return a map of relationship structs

The type to be used in the resource object

Link to this section Types

Link to this section Callbacks

Link to this callback

attributes(map, arg1) View Source
attributes(map(), Plug.Conn.t()) :: map()

Returns a map of attributes to be serialized.

The default implementation returns all the data's fields except id, type, and __struct__.

A typical non-DSL implementation looks like:

defmodule UserSerializer do
  def attributes(user, conn) do
    Map.take(user, [:email, :name])

UserSerializer.attributes(user, conn)
# %{email: "...", name: "..."}

If using the JaSerializer.DSL the default implementation is based on the JaSerializer.DSL.attributes/1 macro. Eg:

defmodule UserSerializer do
  attributes [:email, :name, :is_admin]

UserSerializer.attributes(user, conn)
# %{email: "...", name: "...", is_admin: "..."}

Overriding this callback can be a good way to customize attribute behaviour based on the context (conn) with super.

defmodule UserSerializer do
  attributes [:email, :name, :is_admin]

  def attributes(user, %{assigns: %{current_user: %{is_admin: true}}}) do
    super(user, conn)

  def attributes(user, conn) do
    super(user, conn)
    |> Map.take([:email, :name])

UserSerializer.attributes(user, conn)
# %{email: "...", name: "..."}

The id to be used in the resource object.


Default implementation attempts to get the :id field from the struct.

To override simply define the id function:

def id(struct, _conn), do: struct.slug
Link to this callback

links(map, arg1) View Source
links(map(), Plug.Conn.t()) :: map()

return links about this resource

Link to this callback

meta(map, arg1) View Source
meta(map(), Plug.Conn.t()) :: map() | nil

Adds meta data to the individual resource being serialized.

NOTE: To add meta data to the top level object pass the meta: option into YourSerializer.format/3.

A nil return value results in no meta key being added to the serializer. A map return value will be formated with JaSerializer.Formatter.format/1.

The default implementation returns nil.

Link to this callback

preload(arg0, arg1, arg2) View Source
preload(map() | [map()], Plug.Conn.t(), nil | Keyword.t()) ::
  map() | [map()]

A special callback that can be used to preload related data.

Unlike the other callbacks, this callback is ONLY executed on the top level data being serialized. Also unlike any other callback when serializing a list of data (eg: from an index action) it receives the entire list, not each individual post. When serializing a single record (eg, show, create, update) a single record is received.

The primary use case of the callback is to preload all the relationships you need. For example:

@default_includes [:category, comments: :author]
def preload(record_or_records, _conn, []) do
  MyApp.Repo.preload(record_or_records, @default_includes)
def preload(record_or_records, _conn, include_opts) do
  MyApp.Repo.preload(record_or_records, include_opts)
Link to this callback

relationships(map, arg1) View Source
relationships(map(), Plug.Conn.t()) :: map()

A callback that should return a map of relationship structs.


def relationships(article, _conn) do
    comments: %HasMany{
      serializer:  MyApp.CommentView,
      include:     true,
      data:        article.comments,
    author: %HasOne{
      serializer:  MyApp.AuthorView,
      include:     true,
      data:        article.author,

See JaSerializer.Relationship.HasMany for details on fields.

When using the DSL this is defined for you based on the has_many and has_one macros.

The type to be used in the resource object.


Default implementation attempts to infer the type from the serializer module's name. For example:

MyApp.UserView becomes "user"
MyApp.V1.Serializers.Post becomes "post"
MyApp.V1.CommentsSerializer becomes "comments"

To override simply define the type function:

def type(_post,_conn), do: "category"


def type, do: "category"