Jackalope.Handler behaviour (jackalope v0.7.3) View Source

Behaviour defining callbacks triggered during the MQTT life-cycle

The jackalope handler is stateless, so if state is needed one could route the messages to stateful processes, and inform the system about connection and subscription state.

Most of the callbacks are optional.

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Called when the MQTT connection changes status

Handle errors produced by Jackalope that should be reacted to

Called when receiving a message matching one of the subscriptions

Produces the last will message for the current connection, or nil if the last will in the connection options is to be used Example: [topic: hub_serial_number/message", payload: %{code: "going_down", msg: "Last will message"}, qos: 1]

Called when a topic filter subscription state changes

Link to this section Types


last_will() :: [topic: topic(), payload: payload(), qos: non_neg_integer()]


payload() :: term()


topic() :: Tortoise311.topic()


topic_filter() :: Tortoise311.topic_filter()


topic_levels() :: [String.t()]

Link to this section Callbacks

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connection(status :: :up | :down) :: any()

Called when the MQTT connection changes status

This can be used to inform other parts of the system about the state of the connection; possible values are :up and :down, where up means that the MQTT client has a connection to the broker; down means that the connection has been dropped.

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handle_error(reason) :: any()
when reason:
       {:publish_error, {topic(), payload(), opts}, error_reason :: term()}
       | {:publish_error, jackalope_work_order :: term(), :ttl_expired},
     opts: Keyword.t()

Handle errors produced by Jackalope that should be reacted to

During the connection life-cycle various errors can occur, and while Jackrabbit and Tortoise311 will try to correct the situation, some errors require user intervention. The optional handle_error/1 callback can help inform the surrounding system of errors.

@impl Jackalope.Handler
def handle_error({:publish_error, work_order, :ttl_expired}) do
  Logger.error("Work order expired: #{inspect(work_order)}")

def handle_error(_otherwise) do
  _ignore = nil

If this callback is implemented one should make sure to make a catch-all to prevent unhandled errors from crashing the handler.

Link to this callback

handle_message(topic_levels, payload)

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handle_message(topic_levels(), payload()) :: any()

Called when receiving a message matching one of the subscriptions

The callback will receive two arguments; the MQTT topic in list form, where each of the topic levels are an item. This allows us to pattern match on topic filters with wildcards.


last_will() :: last_will() | nil

Produces the last will message for the current connection, or nil if the last will in the connection options is to be used Example: [topic: hub_serial_number/message", payload: %{code: "going_down", msg: "Last will message"}, qos: 1]

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subscription(status, topic_filter)

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subscription(status :: :up | :down, topic_filter()) :: any()

Called when a topic filter subscription state changes

This can be used to inform other parts of the system that we should (or shouldn't) expect messages received on the given topic_filter.

The status values are :up and :down, where up means that the broker has accepted a subscription request to the specific topic_filter, and down means that the broker has accepted an unsubscribe request.