Module jc_bridge

Receives requests of the form {CallerPid::pid(), Message::tuple()}, spawns a process which calls the appropriate module and fn and then returns the result to the caller.

Copyright © (C) 2014,

Behaviours: gen_server.

Authors: Jim Rosenblum.


Receives requests of the form {CallerPid::pid(), Message::tuple()}, spawns a process which calls the appropriate module and fn and then returns the result to the caller. Primarily used by the Java node (via JInterface) to and jc_protocol module so that non-erlang clients can exercise the cache.

Since this server is the last thing started by the supervisor, it notifies all other node's jc_psub that this node is ready to act as a cache node.

Function Index

start_link/0Starts the server.

Function Details


do(Message::string()) -> no_return()


init(X1::[]) -> {ok, #jc_bridge_state{}}


start_link() -> ignore | {error, term()} | {ok, pid()}

Starts the server

Generated by EDoc, May 24 2016, 22:38:40.