View Source Jellyfish.Room (Jellyfish Server SDK v0.4.0)

Utilities for manipulating the rooms.


iex> client =
iex> assert {:ok, %Jellyfish.Room{
...>    components: [],
...>    config: %{max_peers: 10, video_codec: nil},
...>    peers: []
...>  } = room, _jellyfish_address} = Jellyfish.Room.create(client, max_peers: 10)
iex> room == %Jellyfish.Room{
...>    id:,
...>    components: [],
...>    config: %{max_peers: 10, video_codec: nil},
...>    peers: []}
iex> assert {:ok, %Jellyfish.Peer{
...>    status: :disconnected,
...>    type: Jellyfish.Peer.WebRTC,
...>    tracks: []
...> } = peer, _peer_token} = Jellyfish.Room.add_peer(client,, Jellyfish.Peer.WebRTC)
iex> %Jellyfish.Peer{
...>    id:,
...>    status: :disconnected,
...>    type: Jellyfish.Peer.WebRTC,
...>    tracks: [],
...>    metadata: nil} == peer
iex> :ok = Jellyfish.Room.delete(client,



Id of the room, unique within Jellyfish instance.

Options used for creating a room.

Peer token, created by Jellyfish. Required by client application to open connection to Jellyfish.


Stores information about the room.

Id of the track, unique within Jellyfish instance.


Adds a component to the room with room_id.

Adds a peer to the room with room_id.

Creates a new room.

Deletes the room with room_id.

Deletes the component with component_id from the room with room_id.

Deletes the peer with peer_id from the room with room_id.

Starts a phone call from a specified component to a provided phone number.

End a phone call on a specified SIP component.

Gets properties of the room with room_id.

Lists properties of all of the rooms.

Adds peers and components tracks to hls component


@type id() :: String.t()

Id of the room, unique within Jellyfish instance.

@type options() :: [
  room_id: String.t() | nil,
  max_peers: non_neg_integer() | nil,
  video_codec: :h264 | :vp8 | nil,
  webhook_url: String.t() | nil,
  peerless_purge_timeout: pos_integer() | nil

Options used for creating a room.

  • :room_id - custom room id, which uniquely identifies room. If not provided a random UUID is generated.
  • :max_peers - maximum number of peers present in a room simultaneously. If set to nil or unspecified, the number of peers is unlimited.
  • :video_codec - enforces specific video codec for each peer in the room. If set to nil or unspecified, any codec will be accepted. To use HLS component video codec has to be :h264.
  • :webhook_url - an address of a server receiving webhook notifications from the room.
  • :peerless_purge_timeout - duration (in seconds) after which the room will be removed if no peers are connected. If not provided, this feature is disabled.
@type peer_token() :: String.t()

Peer token, created by Jellyfish. Required by client application to open connection to Jellyfish.

@type t() :: %Jellyfish.Room{
  components: [Jellyfish.Component.t()],
  config: map(),
  id: id(),
  peers: [Jellyfish.Peer.t()]

Stores information about the room.

@type track_id() :: String.t()

Id of the track, unique within Jellyfish instance.


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add_component(client, room_id, component)

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@spec add_component(
  Jellyfish.Component.options() | Jellyfish.Component.type()
) :: {:ok, Jellyfish.Component.t()} | {:error, atom() | String.t()}

Adds a component to the room with room_id.

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add_peer(client, room_id, peer)

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@spec add_peer(
  Jellyfish.Peer.options() | Jellyfish.Peer.type()
) ::
  {:ok, Jellyfish.Peer.t(), peer_token()} | {:error, atom() | String.t()}

Adds a peer to the room with room_id.

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create(client, opts \\ [])

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@spec create(Jellyfish.Client.t(), options()) ::
  {:ok, t(), String.t()} | {:error, atom() | String.t()}

Creates a new room.

Returns an address of Jellyfish where the room was created. When running Jellyfish in a cluster, this address might be different than the one used in the initial call. Therefore, it is important to call Jellyfish.Client.update_address/2 before subsequent operations like adding peers or components.

@spec delete(Jellyfish.Client.t(), id()) :: :ok | {:error, atom() | String.t()}

Deletes the room with room_id.

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delete_component(client, room_id, component_id)

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@spec delete_component(Jellyfish.Client.t(), id(), ::
  :ok | {:error, atom() | String.t()}

Deletes the component with component_id from the room with room_id.

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delete_peer(client, room_id, peer_id)

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@spec delete_peer(Jellyfish.Client.t(), id(), ::
  :ok | {:error, atom() | String.t()}

Deletes the peer with peer_id from the room with room_id.

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dial(client, room_id, component_id, phone_number)

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@spec dial(Jellyfish.Client.t(), id(),, String.t()) ::
  :ok | {:error, atom() | String.t()}

Starts a phone call from a specified component to a provided phone number.

This is asynchronous operation. In case of providing incorrect phone number you will receive a notification ComponentCrashed.

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end_call(client, room_id, component_id)

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@spec end_call(Jellyfish.Client.t(), id(), ::
  :ok | {:error, atom() | String.t()}

End a phone call on a specified SIP component.

This is asynchronous operation.

@spec get(Jellyfish.Client.t(), id()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, atom() | String.t()}

Gets properties of the room with room_id.

@spec get_all(Jellyfish.Client.t()) :: {:ok, [t()]} | {:error, atom() | String.t()}

Lists properties of all of the rooms.

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hls_subscribe(client, room_id, origins)

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@spec hls_subscribe(Jellyfish.Client.t(), id(), [ |
]) ::
  :ok | {:error, atom() | String.t()}

Adds peers and components tracks to hls component

In order to subscribe to HLS peers/components, the HLS component should be initialized with the subscribe_mode set to :manual. This mode proves beneficial when you do not wish to record or stream all the available streams within a room via HLS. It allows for selective addition instead – you can manually select specific streams. For instance, you could opt to record only the stream of an event's host.