Copyright © (C) 2013-2020, Jan Henry Nystrom <> -------------------------------------------------------------------
Authors: Jan Henry Nystrom (
A MessagePack to and from erlang terms library based on
MessagePack is represented as follows:
msgpack : map | array | integers | floats | boolean | raw map : {[{msgpack, msgpack}*]} array : [msgpack*] integers : integer | {pos_fixnum, integer} | {neg_fixnum, integer} | {uint8, integer} | {uint16, integer} | {uint32, integer} | {uint64, integer} | {int8, integer} | {int16, integer} | {int632, integer} | {int64, integer} floats : float | {'float', float} | {'double', float} nil : nil boolean : 'true' | 'false' raw : binaryfloat_type() = float | double
floats() = float() | {float_type(), float()}
integer_type() = pos_fixnum | neg_fixnum | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64
integers() = integer() | {integer_type(), integer()}
msgpack() = msgpack_map() | msgpack_array() | integers() | floats() | boolean() | raw()
msgpack_array() = [msgpack()]
msgpack_map() = {[msgpack()]}
opt() = {atom_strings, boolean()} | binary | iolist
raw() = binary()
decode/1 | Decodes the binary into a structured Erlang term. |
decode/2 | Decodes the binary into a structured Erlang. |
encode/1 | Encodes the structured Erlang term as an iolist. |
encode/2 | Encodes the structured Erlang term as an iolist or binary. |
decode(Binary::binary()) -> msgpack()
Decodes the binary into a structured Erlang term. Equivalent of decode(MSGPACK, []) -> Term.
decode(Binary::binary(), Opts::[opt()] | #opts{return_type = iolist | binary, number_types = boolean()}) -> msgpack()
Decodes the binary into a structured Erlang. Decode will give an exception if the binary is not well formed MSGPACK. Options are: number_types -> decode into {Type, Value} for number types.
encode(Term::msgpack()) -> iolist()
Encodes the structured Erlang term as an iolist. Equivalent of encode(Term, []) -> MSGPACK.
encode(Term::msgpack(), Opts::[opt()] | #opts{return_type = iolist | binary, number_types = boolean()}) -> iolist() | binary()
Encodes the structured Erlang term as an iolist or binary. Encode will give an exception if the erlang term is not well formed. Options are: binary -> a binary is returned iolist -> a iolist is returned
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