Module mustache

Mustache template rendering.

Copyright © (C) 2017-2020, Jan Henry Nystrom <> -------------------------------------------------------------------

Authors: Jan Henry Nystrom (


Mustache template rendering.

The context is given either as a property list or a map with the keys being the tags as atoms. The partials are realised by recursively call rendering until no tags remain.

Data Types


context() = plist:plist() | map()


option() = binary | iolist


template() = binary()

Function Index

render/2 Renders a mustache template, the same as render(Template, Context, iolist).
render/3 Renders a mustache template.

Function Details


render(Template::template(), Context::context()) -> iolist()

Renders a mustache template, the same as render(Template, Context, iolist).


render(Template::template(), Context::context(), X3::option()) -> iolist() | binary()

Renders a mustache template. Option is: binary -> a binary is returned iolist -> an iolist is returned (default)

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