Module jsn

Authors: Nicholas Lundgaard (

Function Index

as_map/1convert any JSON objects in the input JSON term into map format.
as_proplist/1convert any JSON objects in the input JSON term into proplist format.
copy/3given a list of paths, a source object/array and one or more destination objects/arrays, copy the path-value pairs from the source to the destination(s), and return a list with the results.
copy/4given a list of paths, a source json_object and one or more destination json_objects, retrieve the value from the source object at the current path, pass it through the mutator function, and store it on the destination object(s) at the same path; return the destination object(s).
delete/2given a path and a json_object, if the path is in the object, return a new json_object identical to the given one, with the exception that it does not contain the path, value pair referred to by the input path.
delete_if_equal/3given a path, a value or list of values, and a json term, check if the path contains any of the given Value(s); if so, delete the path from the object.
delete_list/2given a list of paths and a json_object, apply delete/2 to each path on the same json_object and return the result.
equal/3given a list of paths, an original json_object, and a single or list of new json_objects, verify that each path in each of the other object(s) has the same value as the original does at the same path, for each path in the list of paths; if so, return ok; otherwise, return an error tuple with the error type and a summary of mismatches for the first mismatched object.
equal/4given a list of fields, an original json_object, and a single or list of new json_objects, verify that each path in each of the other object(s) has the same value as the original does at the same path, for each path in the list of paths; if so, return ok; otherwise, return an error tuple with the error type and a summary of mismatches for the first mismatched object.
find/3given a path, search term, and a list of json objects, find all the elements of the list where the path in the element matches the search term.
find/4given a path, a subpath to be search objects in that list, a search term, and an object containing a list of objects at the given path, find all the elements of the list where the path in the element matches the given search term.
from_map/1convert a JSON term with map-format JSON objects into an identical JSON term with all of the JSON objects converted into the default format.
from_map/2convert a JSON term with map-format JSON objects into an identical JSON term with all of the JSON objects converted into the specified object format.
from_proplist/1convert a JSON term with proplist-format JSON objects into an identical JSON term with all of the JSON objects converted into the default format.
from_proplist/2convert a JSON term with proplist-format JSON objects into an identical JSON term with all of the JSON objects converted into the specified object format.
get/2given a path and a json_object, if the path is in the object, return the value at the path.
get/3given a path and a json_object, if the path is in the object, return the value at the path.
get_list/2given a list of paths and a json_object, return the values found at each path in a list; if a path does not exist, return undefined.
get_list/3given a list of paths and a json_object, return the values found at each path in a list; if a path does not exist, return undefined.
is_equal/2given 2 json terms A and B in any format (eep18, struct, proplist, or map, if supported), return true if they are equivalent.
is_subset/2given 2 json terms A and B in any format (eep18, struct, proplist), return true if all the value(s) in A are present in B.
new/0return an empty json_object in the default format.
new/1given a path, value tuple or a list of such tuples, return a new json_object in the default format with the given path(s) and value(s).
new/2given a path, value tuple or a list of such tuples, return a new json_object with the given path(s) and value(s).
path_elements/1given a path, parse it into an ordered list of json keys (binary) and/or array indexes.
path_elements_map/1given a list of paths, construct a unified map of the path elements of all the paths; leaf elements will end with the value true; path elements that are in the atom table will be multiplexed in the unified map, with both the binary and atom form of the path element; for use in with/2 and without/2.
path_transform/2given a list of path transforms as {old_path, new_path}, modify the input object by renaming the old path to the new path and saving the result into a new return object.
select/2Transforms a list of Elements according to a given Selectionification.
select/3Same as select/2 but it first filters the elements according to a given list of Conditions.
set/3given a path, value, and a json_object, return a new json_object containing the path and value.
set_list/2given a list of {Path, Value} tuples, apply the set/3 function to the each path and value pair with the given object, and return the result.
transform/2given a list of transforms as {path, fun/1}, modify the input object by retrieving the value in the path, applying the given function and saving the result into a new return object.
with/2return a new object with the given paths and their associated values from the given object; any path that does not exist in the object is ignored.
without/2return a new object without the given paths and their associated values from the given object; any path does not exist in the given object is ignored.

Function Details


as_map(M::json_term()) -> json_term()

convert any JSON objects in the input JSON term into map format


as_proplist(M::json_term()) -> json_term()

convert any JSON objects in the input JSON term into proplist format


copy(PathList::paths(), SrcObject::json_object() | json_array(), DstObjects::json_object() | json_array()) -> json_array()

given a list of paths, a source object/array and one or more destination objects/arrays, copy the path-value pairs from the source to the destination(s), and return a list with the results

if the path does not exist in object, the destination(s) will have the atom undefined as the value

this function always returns a list of objects


copy(PathList::paths(), SrcObject::json_object() | json_array(), DstObjects::json_object() | json_array(), Mutator::fun((json_term() | undefined) -> json_term())) -> json_array()

given a list of paths, a source json_object and one or more destination json_objects, retrieve the value from the source object at the current path, pass it through the mutator function, and store it on the destination object(s) at the same path; return the destination object(s)

if the path does not exist in object, the destination(s) will have the atom undefined as the value; the passed function should be prepared to handle a value of undefined

this function always returns a list of objects


delete(Path::path(), Object::json_object()) -> json_object()

given a path and a json_object, if the path is in the object, return a new json_object identical to the given one, with the exception that it does not contain the path, value pair referred to by the input path


delete_if_equal(Path::path(), ValueOrValues::json_term(), Object::json_object()) -> json_object()

given a path, a value or list of values, and a json term, check if the path contains any of the given Value(s); if so, delete the path from the object


delete_list(PathList::paths(), Object::json_object()) -> json_object()

given a list of paths and a json_object, apply delete/2 to each path on the same json_object and return the result


equal(Paths::paths(), Original::json_object() | json_array(), OtherOrOthers::json_object() | json_array()) -> ok | {error, {not_equal, Message::binary()}}

given a list of paths, an original json_object, and a single or list of new json_objects, verify that each path in each of the other object(s) has the same value as the original does at the same path, for each path in the list of paths; if so, return ok; otherwise, return an error tuple with the error type and a summary of mismatches for the first mismatched object


equal(Paths::paths(), OriginalObject::json_object() | json_array(), OtherObjectOrObjects::json_object() | json_array(), Mode::soft | hard) -> ok | {error, {not_equal, Message::binary()}}

given a list of fields, an original json_object, and a single or list of new json_objects, verify that each path in each of the other object(s) has the same value as the original does at the same path, for each path in the list of paths; if so, return ok; otherwise, return an error tuple with the error type and a summary of mismatches for the first mismatched object

if mode is soft, a mismatch is allowed if the value is missing from any of the new objects


find(Path::path(), SearchTerm::json_term(), Objects::json_array()) -> json_array()

given a path, search term, and a list of json objects, find all the elements of the list where the path in the element matches the search term


find(Path::path(), Subpath::path(), SearchTerm::json_term(), Object::json_object() | json_array()) -> json_array()

given a path, a subpath to be search objects in that list, a search term, and an object containing a list of objects at the given path, find all the elements of the list where the path in the element matches the given search term


from_map(T::json_term()) -> json_term()

convert a JSON term with map-format JSON objects into an identical JSON term with all of the JSON objects converted into the default format


from_map(M::json_term(), Opts::jsn_options()) -> json_term()

convert a JSON term with map-format JSON objects into an identical JSON term with all of the JSON objects converted into the specified object format


from_proplist(T::json_term()) -> json_term()

convert a JSON term with proplist-format JSON objects into an identical JSON term with all of the JSON objects converted into the default format


from_proplist(T::json_term(), Opts::jsn_options()) -> json_term()

convert a JSON term with proplist-format JSON objects into an identical JSON term with all of the JSON objects converted into the specified object format


get(Path::path(), Object::json_object() | json_array()) -> json_term() | undefined

given a path and a json_object, if the path is in the object, return the value at the path. Otherwise, return undefined


get(Path::path(), Object::json_term(), Default::term()) -> json_term() | term()

given a path and a json_object, if the path is in the object, return the value at the path. Otherwise, return Default


get_list(PathList::paths(), Object::json_term()) -> [json_term() | undefined]

given a list of paths and a json_object, return the values found at each path in a list; if a path does not exist, return undefined


get_list(PathList::paths(), Object::json_term(), Default::term()) -> [json_term() | term()]

given a list of paths and a json_object, return the values found at each path in a list; if a path does not exist, return undefined


is_equal(A::json_term(), B::json_term()) -> boolean()

given 2 json terms A and B in any format (eep18, struct, proplist, or map, if supported), return true if they are equivalent


is_subset(A::json_term(), B::json_term()) -> boolean()

given 2 json terms A and B in any format (eep18, struct, proplist), return true if all the value(s) in A are present in B

CAUTION: this comparison treats json array comparisons as subset comparisons, not just object comparisons. so, is_subset([1,1,1], [1,2]) is true


new() -> json_object()

return an empty json_object in the default format


new(L::path_value_tuple() | path_value_tuples()) -> json_object()

given a path, value tuple or a list of such tuples, return a new json_object in the default format with the given path(s) and value(s)


new(L::path_value_tuple() | path_value_tuples(), Options::jsn_options()) -> json_object()

given a path, value tuple or a list of such tuples, return a new json_object with the given path(s) and value(s)


path_elements(Path::path()) -> path_elements()

given a path, parse it into an ordered list of json keys (binary) and/or array indexes


path_elements_map(Paths::paths()) -> path_elements_map()

given a list of paths, construct a unified map of the path elements of all the paths; leaf elements will end with the value true; path elements that are in the atom table will be multiplexed in the unified map, with both the binary and atom form of the path element; for use in with/2 and without/2


path_transform(Transforms::[{path(), path()}], Object::json_object()) -> json_object()

given a list of path transforms as {old_path, new_path}, modify the input object by renaming the old path to the new path and saving the result into a new return object

it's possible that the given path may specify an existing path; if so, the transformation will replace the existing path with the old path value

if the old_path is not present, the existing object will be return


select(Selection::selection() | selections(), Elements::json_array()) -> json_array()

Transforms a list of Elements according to a given Selectionification


select(Selection::selection() | selections(), Condition::condition() | conditions(), Elements::json_array()) -> json_array()

Same as select/2 but it first filters the elements according to a given list of Conditions


set(Path::path(), Object::json_object(), Value::json_term()) -> json_object()

given a path, value, and a json_object, return a new json_object containing the path and value


set_list(TupleList::path_value_tuples(), Object::json_object()) -> json_object()

given a list of {Path, Value} tuples, apply the set/3 function to the each path and value pair with the given object, and return the result


transform(Transforms::[{path(), fun((json_term()) -> json_term())}], Object::json_object()) -> json_object()

given a list of transforms as {path, fun/1}, modify the input object by retrieving the value in the path, applying the given function and saving the result into a new return object

it's possible that the given path may specify a value that is not present; if so, the transformation function will be given a value of undefined


with(Paths::paths() | path_elements_map(), JsonTerm::json_term()) -> json_term()

return a new object with the given paths and their associated values from the given object; any path that does not exist in the object is ignored


without(Paths::paths() | path_elements_map(), JsonTerm::json_term()) -> json_term()

return a new object without the given paths and their associated values from the given object; any path does not exist in the given object is ignored

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