json v1.1.0 JSON.Encoder protocol View Source

Defines the protocol required for converting Elixir types into JSON and inferring their json types.

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Returns a JSON string representation of the Elixir term

Returns an atom that reprsents the JSON type for the term

Link to this section Types

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Returns a JSON string representation of the Elixir term


iex> JSON.Encoder.encode({1, :two, "three"})
{:ok, "[1,\"two\",\"three\"]"}

iex> JSON.Encoder.encode([result: "this will be a elixir result"])
{:ok, "{\"result\":\"this will be a elixir result\"}"}

iex> JSON.Encoder.encode(%{a: 1, b: 2})
{:ok, "{\"a\":1,\"b\":2}"}

Returns an atom that reprsents the JSON type for the term


iex> JSON.Encoder.typeof(3)

iex> JSON.Encoder.typeof({1, :two, "three"})

iex> JSON.Encoder.typeof([foo: "this will be a elixir result"])

iex> JSON.Encoder.typeof([result: "this will be a elixir result"])

iex> JSON.Encoder.typeof(["this will be a elixir result"])

iex> JSON.Encoder.typeof([foo: "bar"])