API Reference json_schema v0.5.0



JSON Schema

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Parses JSON schema files into an intermediate representation to be used for e.g. printing elm decoders.

Parses a JSON schema allOf type

Parses a JSON schema anyOf type

Parses a JSON schema array type

Parse a JSON schema const type

Parses a 'definitions' property in a JSON schema or subschema.

Parse a JSON schema enum type

Contains helper functions for reporting parser errors.

Parses a JSON schema object type

Parses a JSON schema oneOf type

Describes the functions needed to implement a parser for a JSON schema node.

Represents an error generated while parsing a JSON schema object.

Represents the result of parsing a subset of a JSON schema including parsed types, warnings, and errors.

Represents a warning generated while parsing a JSON schema object.

Parses a JSON schema primitive type

Contains logic for verifying the schema version of a JSON schema file.

Represents the result of parsing a whole JSON schema including the parsed schema, along with all warnings and errors generated while parsing the schema and its members.

Parses a JSON schema array type

Parses a JSON schema type reference

Parses a JSON schema union type

A module containing utility functions for JSON schema parsers.

Module containing functions for resolving types. Main function being the resolve_type function.

Specifies the main Elixir types used for describing the intermediate representations of JSON schema types.

Represents a custom allOf type definition in a JSON schema.

Represents a custom anyOf type definition in a JSON schema.

Represents a custom array type definition in a JSON schema.

Represents a custom const type definition in a JSON schema.

Represents a custom enum type definition in a JSON schema.

Represents a custom object type definition in a JSON schema.

Represents a custom oneOf type definition in a JSON schema.

Represents a custom primitive type definition in a JSON schema.

An intermediate representation of the root of a whole JSON schema document.

Represents a custom tuple type definition in a JSON schema.

Represents a reference to a custom type definition in a JSON schema.

Represents a custom union type definition in a JSON schema.