View Source JSONAPIPlug (jsonapi_plug v2.0.0)

JSONAPIPlug context

This defines a struct for storing configuration and request data. JSONAPIPlug.Plug populates its attributes by means of a number of other plug modules used to parse and validate requests and stores it in the Plug.Conn private assings under the jsonapi_plug key.



String case


JSONAPIPlug context


@type case() :: :camelize | :dasherize | :underscore

String case

@type t() :: %JSONAPIPlug{
  allowed_includes: keyword(keyword()),
  base_url: String.t(),
  config: Keyword.t(),
  fields: term(),
  filter: term(),
  include: term(),
  page: term(),
  params: Plug.Conn.params(),
  resource: JSONAPIPlug.Resource.t(),
  sort: term()

JSONAPIPlug context


@spec mime_type() :: String.t()


Returns the JSON:API MIME type.

Recase resource fields

Changes the case of resource field names to the specified case, ignoring underscores or dashes that are not between letters/numbers.


iex> recase("top_posts", :camelize)

iex> recase(:top_posts, :camelize)

iex> recase("_top_posts", :camelize)

iex> recase("_top__posts_", :camelize)

iex> recase("", :camelize)

iex> recase("top_posts", :dasherize)

iex> recase("_top_posts", :dasherize)

iex> recase("_top__posts_", :dasherize)

iex> recase("top-posts", :underscore)

iex> recase(:top_posts, :underscore)

iex> recase("-top-posts", :underscore)

iex> recase("-top--posts-", :underscore)

iex> recase("corgiAge", :underscore)
Link to this function

render(conn, resource_or_resources \\ nil, links \\ nil, meta \\ nil, options \\ [])

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Render JSON:API response

Renders the JSON:API response for the specified Resource.

Link to this function

url_for(resources, conn)

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@spec url_for(
  JSONAPIPlug.Resource.t() | [JSONAPIPlug.Resource.t()] | nil,
  Plug.Conn.t() | nil
) ::

Generates the resource link

Generates the resource link for a resource.

Link to this function

url_for_relationship(resource_or_resources, conn, relationship_type)

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Generate relationships link

Generates the relationships link for a resource.