API Reference k8s v1.1.1




Kubernetes API Client for Elixir

Kubernetes API Client.

Kubernetes API Error

Allows for registration of K8s.Client.Provider handlers per-process.

HTTPoison and Jason based K8s.Client.Provider

HTTP Request / Response provider behaviour

K8s.Client runner to process a batch of operations in parallel.

Base HTTP processor for K8s.Client.

Takes a K8s.Client.list/3 operation and returns an Elixir Stream of resources.

:list K8s.Operation encapsulated with pagination and K8s.Conn

Waiting functionality for K8s.Client.

K8s.Client runner that will watch a resource or resources and stream results back to a process.

Watches a K8s.Client.list/3 operation and returns an Elixir Stream of events.

Handles authentication and connection configuration details for a Kubernetes cluster.

Authorization behaviour

auth-provider authentication support

basic auth cluster authentication

Certificate based cluster authentication.

Cluster authentication for kube configs created by doctl, the DigitalOcean CLI

Cluster authentication for kube configs using an exec section.

Token based cluster authentication

Retrieves information from certificates

Encapsulates HTTP request options for an authentication provider.

Kubernetes API Discovery

Driver behaviour for K8s.Discovery

File Driver for Kubernetes API discovery.

HTTP Driver for Kubernetes API discovery

Kubernetes API Groups

Interface for interacting with cluster middleware

Encapsulates middleware process errors

HTTP Request middleware

Naive JSON body encoder.

Initializes a request with connection details (header and HTTPoison opts) from K8s.Conn.RequestOptions

K8s.Middlware stacks to apply to a K8s.Conn

Encapsulates Kubernetes REST API operations.

Generates Kubernetes REST API Paths

Kubernetes manifest attribute helpers

Helper functions for accessing common fields

Provides an accessor to a list of maps whereas each element in the list has a key named "name". The name should be unique within the list and therefore defining the element.

Deserializers for CPU and Memory values

Telemetry event defimitions for this library

Attaches telemetry events to the Elixir Logger

Telemetry event defimitions for this library