View Source KafkaEx.New.NodeSelector (kafka_ex v0.13.0)
Defines node selector functions and macros
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Select the controller for the given consumer group
Select the cluster's controller node
Select first available node
Select a specific node
Select a random node
Select the controller for the given topic and partition
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Link to this section Functions
@spec consumer_group(KafkaEx.New.KafkaExAPI.consumer_group_name()) :: t()
Select the controller for the given consumer group
@spec controller() :: t()
Select the cluster's controller node
@spec first_available() :: t()
Select first available node
@spec node_id(KafkaEx.New.KafkaExAPI.node_id()) :: t()
Select a specific node
@spec random() :: t()
Select a random node
@spec topic_partition( KafkaEx.New.KafkaExAPI.topic_name(), KafkaEx.New.KafkaExAPI.partition_id() ) :: t()
Select the controller for the given topic and partition