KafkaEx.Compression (kafka_ex v0.12.1) View Source

Handles compression/decompression of messages.

See https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/A+Guide+To+The+Kafka+Protocol#AGuideToTheKafkaProtocol-Compression

To add new compression types:

  1. Add the appropriate dependency to mix.exs (don't forget to add it to the application list).
  2. Add the appropriate attribute value and compression_type atom.
  3. Add a decompress function clause.
  4. Add a compress function clause.

Link to this section Summary


This function should pattern match on the compression_type atom and return the compressed data as well as the corresponding attribute value.

This function should pattern match on the attribute value and return the decompressed data.

Link to this section Types


attribute_t() :: integer()


compression_type_t() :: :snappy | :gzip

Link to this section Functions


compress(compression_type_t(), binary()) :: {binary(), attribute_t()}

This function should pattern match on the compression_type atom and return the compressed data as well as the corresponding attribute value.


decompress(attribute_t(), binary()) :: binary()

This function should pattern match on the attribute value and return the decompressed data.

Link to this function

snappy_decompress_chunk(arg, so_far)

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