KafkaEx.ConsumerGroup (kafka_ex v0.12.1) View Source

A process that manages membership in a Kafka consumer group.

Consumers in a consumer group coordinate with each other through a Kafka broker to distribute the work of consuming one or several topics without any overlap. This is facilitated by the Kafka client-side assignment protocol.

Any time group membership changes (a member joins or leaves the group), a Kafka broker initiates group synchronization by asking one of the group members (the leader elected by the broker) to provide partition assignments for the whole group. KafkaEx uses a round robin partition assignment algorithm by default. This can be overridden by passing a callback function in the :partition_assignment_callback option. See KafkaEx.ConsumerGroup.PartitionAssignment for details on partition assignment functions.

A KafkaEx.ConsumerGroup process is responsible for:

  1. Maintaining membership in a Kafka consumer group.
  2. Determining partition assignments if elected as the group leader.
  3. Launching and terminating KafkaEx.GenConsumer processes based on its assigned partitions.

To use a KafkaEx.ConsumerGroup, a developer must define a module that implements the KafkaEx.GenConsumer behaviour and start a KafkaEx.ConsumerGroup configured to use that module.

The api versions of some of the underlying messages can be specified in the :api_versions option. Note that these will be ignored (api version 0 used) unless you have kafka_version: "kayrock" set in the KafkaEx application config. The following versions can be specified:

  • :fetch - Fetch requests - use v2+ for newer versions of Kafka
  • :offset_fetch - Offset fetch requests - use v1+ for offsets stored in Kafka (as opposed to zookeeper)
  • :offset_commit - Offset commit requests - use v1+ to store offsets in Kafka (as opposed to zookeeper)


Suppose we want to consume from a topic called "example_topic" with a consumer group named "example_group" and we have a KafkaEx.GenConsumer implementation called ExampleGenConsumer (see the KafkaEx.GenConsumer documentation). We could start a consumer group in our application's supervision tree as follows:

defmodule MyApp do
  use Application

  def start(_type, _args) do
    import Supervisor.Spec

    consumer_group_opts = [
      # setting for the ConsumerGroup
      heartbeat_interval: 1_000,
      # this setting will be forwarded to the GenConsumer
      commit_interval: 1_000

    gen_consumer_impl = ExampleGenConsumer
    consumer_group_name = "example_group"
    topic_names = ["example_topic"]

    children = [
      # ... other children
        [gen_consumer_impl, consumer_group_name, topic_names, consumer_group_opts]

    Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one)

Note It is not necessary for the Elixir nodes in a consumer group to be connected (i.e., using distributed Erlang methods). The coordination of group consumers is mediated by the broker.

See start_link/4 for configuration details.

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Option values used when starting a consumer group


Returns true if at least one child consumer process is alive

Returns a list of topic and partition assignments for which this consumer is responsible.

Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

Returns the pids of consumer processes

Returns the pid of the KafkaEx.GenConsumer.Supervisor that supervises this member's consumers.

Returns the generation id of the consumer group.

Returns the pid of the KafkaEx.ConsumerGroup.Manager process for the given consumer group supervisor.

Returns the name of the consumer group

Returns true if this consumer is the leader of the consumer group

Returns the member id of the consumer group's leader

Returns the consumer group member id

Returns a map from {topic, partition_id} to consumer pid

Starts a consumer group process tree process linked to the current process.

Link to this section Types


option() ::
  | {:heartbeat_interval, pos_integer()}
  | {:session_timeout, pos_integer()}
  | {:session_timeout_padding, pos_integer()}
  | {:partition_assignment_callback,
  | {:gen_server_opts, GenServer.options()}
  | {:name, Supervisor.name()}
  | {:max_restarts, non_neg_integer()}
  | {:max_seconds, non_neg_integer()}
  | {:uris, KafkaEx.uri()}

Option values used when starting a consumer group

  • :heartbeat_interval - How frequently, in milliseconds, to send heartbeats to the broker. This impacts how quickly we will process partition changes as consumers start/stop. Default: 5000 (5 seconds).
  • :session_timeout - Consumer group session timeout in milliseconds. Default: 30000 (30 seconds). See below.
  • :session_timeout_padding - Timeout padding for consumer group options. Default: 10000 (10 seconds). See below.
  • Any of KafkaEx.GenConsumer.option/0, which will be passed on to consumers
  • :gen_server_opts - GenServer.options/0 passed on to the manager GenServer
  • :name - Name for the consumer group supervisor
  • :max_restarts, :max_seconds - Supervisor restart policy parameters
  • :partition_assignment_callback - See KafkaEx.ConsumerGroup.PartitionAssignment.callback/0
  • :uris - See KafkaEx.create_worker/2

Note :session_timeout is registered with the broker and determines how long before the broker will de-register a consumer from which it has not heard a heartbeat. This value must between the broker cluster's configured values for group.min.session.timeout.ms and group.max.session.timeout.ms (6000 and 30000 by default). See https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#configuration. You may need to adjust session_timeout_padding on high-latency clusters to avoid timing out when joining/syncing consumer groups.


options() :: [option()]

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active?(supervisor_pid, timeout \\ 5000)

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Returns true if at least one child consumer process is alive

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assignments(supervisor_pid, timeout \\ 5000)

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assignments(Supervisor.supervisor(), timeout()) :: [
  {topic :: binary(), partition_id :: non_neg_integer()}

Returns a list of topic and partition assignments for which this consumer is responsible.

These are assigned by the leader and communicated by the broker on sync.

Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

See Supervisor.

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consumer_pids(Supervisor.supervisor()) :: [pid()]

Returns the pids of consumer processes

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consumer_supervisor_pid(supervisor_pid, timeout \\ 5000)

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consumer_supervisor_pid(Supervisor.supervisor(), timeout()) :: nil | pid()

Returns the pid of the KafkaEx.GenConsumer.Supervisor that supervises this member's consumers.

Returns nil if called before the initial sync.

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generation_id(supervisor_pid, timeout \\ 5000)

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generation_id(Supervisor.supervisor(), timeout()) :: integer() | nil

Returns the generation id of the consumer group.

The generation id is provided by the broker on sync. Returns nil if queried before the initial sync has completed.

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get_manager_pid(Supervisor.supervisor()) :: pid()

Returns the pid of the KafkaEx.ConsumerGroup.Manager process for the given consumer group supervisor.

Intended for introspection usage only.

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group_name(supervisor_pid, timeout \\ 5000)

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group_name(Supervisor.supervisor(), timeout()) :: binary()

Returns the name of the consumer group

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leader?(supervisor_pid, timeout \\ 5000)

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Returns true if this consumer is the leader of the consumer group

Leaders are elected by the broker and are responsible for assigning partitions. Returns false if queried before the intiial sync has completed.

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leader_id(supervisor_pid, timeout \\ 5000)

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leader_id(Supervisor.supervisor(), timeout()) :: binary() | nil

Returns the member id of the consumer group's leader

This is provided by the broker on sync. Returns nil if queried before the initial sync has completed

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member_id(supervisor_pid, timeout \\ 5000)

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member_id(Supervisor.supervisor(), timeout()) :: binary() | nil

Returns the consumer group member id

The id is assigned by the broker. Returns nil if queried before the initial sync has completed.

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partition_consumer_map(Supervisor.supervisor()) :: %{
  required({topic :: binary(), partition_id :: non_neg_integer()}) => pid()

Returns a map from {topic, partition_id} to consumer pid

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start_link(consumer_module, group_name, topics, opts \\ [])

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start_link(module() | {module(), module()}, binary(), [binary()], options()) ::

Starts a consumer group process tree process linked to the current process.

This can be used to start a KafkaEx.ConsumerGroup as part of a supervision tree.

consumer_module is

  • a module that implements the KafkaEx.GenConsumer behaviour.
  • a tuple of {gen_consumer_module, consumer_module} can substitute another GenServer implementation for KafkaEx.GenConsumer. When a single module is passed it is transformed to {KafkaEx.GenConsumer, consumer_module}.

group_name is the name of the consumer group.

topics is a list of topics that the consumer group should consume from.

opts can be composed of options for the supervisor as well as for the KafkEx.GenConsumer processes that will be spawned by the supervisor. See option/0 for details.

Note When starting a consumer group with multiple topics, you should propagate this configuration change to your consumers. If you add a topic to an existing consumer group from a single consumer, it may take a long time to propagate depending on the leader election process.

Return Values

This function has the same return values as Supervisor.start_link/3.