Module ktn_date

Data Types


date() = {date, {non_neg_integer(), 1..12, 1..31}}


datetime() = {datetime, {{integer(), 1..12, 1..31}, {1..24, 1..60, 1..60}}}

Function Index

now_human_readable/0Returns the current date in a human readable format binary.
shift_days/2Moves the received datetime N days to the future (or to the past).
shift_months/2Moves the received date N months to the future (or to the past).

Function Details


now_human_readable() -> binary()

Returns the current date in a human readable format binary.


shift_days(Datetime::calendar:datetime(), N::integer()) -> calendar:datetime()

Moves the received datetime N days to the future (or to the past)


shift_months(X1::calendar:date(), N::integer()) -> calendar:date()

Moves the received date N months to the future (or to the past)

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