Kayrock.Metadata.V1.Response (kayrock v0.1.12) View Source

Kayrock-generated response struct for Kafka metadata v1 API messages

The schema of this API is

  brokers: {:array,
   [node_id: :int32, host: :string, port: :int32, rack: :nullable_string]},
  controller_id: :int32,
  topic_metadata: {:array,
     error_code: :int16,
     topic: :string,
     is_internal: :boolean,
     partition_metadata: {:array,
        error_code: :int16,
        partition: :int32,
        leader: :int32,
        replicas: {:array, :int32},
        isr: {:array, :int32}

Link to this section Summary



Response struct for the Kafka metadata API v1


Returns the Kafka API key for this API

Returns the API version (1) implemented by this module

Deserialize data for this version of this API

Returns the schema of this message

Link to this section Types


t() :: %Kayrock.Metadata.V1.Response{
  brokers: [
      node_id: nil | integer(),
      host: nil | binary(),
      port: nil | integer(),
      rack: nil | binary()
  controller_id: nil | integer(),
  correlation_id: integer(),
  topic_metadata: [
      error_code: nil | integer(),
      topic: nil | binary(),
      is_internal: nil | integer(),
      partition_metadata: [
          error_code: nil | integer(),
          partition: nil | integer(),
          leader: nil | integer(),
          replicas: [nil | integer()],
          isr: [nil | integer()]

Response struct for the Kafka metadata API v1

Link to this section Functions


api_key() :: integer()

Returns the Kafka API key for this API


api_vsn() :: integer()

Returns the API version (1) implemented by this module


deserialize(binary()) :: {t(), binary()}

Deserialize data for this version of this API


schema() :: term()

Returns the schema of this message

See above.