Kazan v0.9.0 Kazan.Apis.Core.V1.ResourceQuota View Source

ResourceQuota sets aggregate quota restrictions enforced per namespace

OpenAPI Definition: io.k8s.api.core.v1.ResourceQuota


  • api_version :: String

    • APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info.
  • kind :: String

    • Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info.
  • metadata :: Kazan.Models.Apimachinery.Meta.V1.ObjectMeta

  • spec :: Kazan.Apis.Core.V1.ResourceQuotaSpec

    • Spec defines the desired quota. https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status
  • status :: Kazan.Apis.Core.V1.ResourceQuotaStatus

    • Status defines the actual enforced quota and its current usage. https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status