Kazan v0.11.0 Kazan.Apis.Core.V1.NodeSpec View Source

NodeSpec describes the attributes that a node is created with.

OpenAPI Definition: io.k8s.api.core.v1.NodeSpec


  • config_source :: Kazan.Apis.Core.V1.NodeConfigSource

    • If specified, the source to get node configuration from The DynamicKubeletConfig feature gate must be enabled for the Kubelet to use this field
  • external_id :: String

    • Deprecated. Not all kubelets will set this field. Remove field after 1.13. see: https://issues.k8s.io/61966
  • pod_cidr :: String

    • PodCIDR represents the pod IP range assigned to the node.
  • provider_id :: String

    • ID of the node assigned by the cloud provider in the format: ://
  • taints :: [ Kazan.Apis.Core.V1.Taint ]

    • If specified, the node’s taints.
  • unschedulable :: Boolean

    • Unschedulable controls node schedulability of new pods. By default, node is schedulable. More info.

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Link to this type t() View Source
t() :: %Kazan.Apis.Core.V1.NodeSpec{
  config_source: Kazan.Apis.Core.V1.NodeConfigSource.t(),
  external_id: String.t(),
  pod_cidr: String.t(),
  provider_id: String.t(),
  taints: [Kazan.Apis.Core.V1.Taint.t()],
  unschedulable: boolean()