Copyright © 2020 Klarna Bank AB (publ)
This module defines the kflow_gen_assemble_chunks behaviour.
Required callback functions: in/6, out/2, chunk_num/1, chunk_count/1.
Optional callback functions: init/1, terminate/2.
This behavior helps writing code that assembles data transferred in chunks. It is designed to handle common cases of upstream failure resulting in retransimission of chunks.
It is assumed that each upstream message contains chunk number and number of chunks in some form.
One has to create a callback module with
and terminate
callbacks are similar to those in kflow_gen_map
or kflow_gen_filter
callback is invoked for each unique chunk of
data. Parameters:
callback and can be mutated in the callbacks.Return value is the next state.
callback is used to produce a message downstream. It is
invoked after the last chunk has been processed. It takes two
arguments: first one is current state of the callback module and
the second one is initial configuration.
It should output a tuple {ok | exit, DownstreamMessage, NextState}
-module(my_aggregate). -behavior(kflow_gen_assemble_chunks). -export([init/1, chunk_num/1, chunk_count/1, in/6, out/2, terminate/1]). chunk_num(#{chunk_num := N}) -> N. chunk_count(#{chunk_count := N}) -> N. init(_Config) -> []. in(Offset, N, Nmax, #{value := Val}, State, Config) -> [Val|State]. out(State, _Config) -> Output = lists:reverse(State), {exit, Output, undefined}. terminate(_State) -> ok.
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