Copyright © 2020 Klarna Bank AB (publ)
This wrapper module allows to make a regular stateless stream processing node dependent on the route (head element of the route, to be precise). NOTE: This module will intentionally crash when used with a stateful callback module.
The following example illustrates how to patch config of
table depending on the route:
{demux, fun(_Offset, [#{value := N} | _]) -> if N rem 2 =:= 0 -> even; true -> odd end end}, {route_dependent, fun(Route) -> Table = case Route of odd -> "odds"; even -> "evens" end, {map, kflow_postgres, #{ database => #{host => "localhost"} , table => Table }} end}
callback_fun() = fun((_RouteHd::term()) -> kflow_pipe:node_spec())
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