Module kflow_gen_aggregate

This module implements a stateful stream processing node for many-into-one transformations.

Copyright © 2019 Klarna Bank AB (publ)

This module defines the kflow_gen_aggregate behaviour.
Required callback functions: in/4, out/2.
Optional callback functions: init/1, terminate/2.


This module implements a stateful stream processing node for many-into-one transformations.

One has to create a callback module with kflow_gen_aggregate behavior.

init and terminate callbacks are similar to those in kflow_gen_map or kflow_gen_filter behaviors.

Consuming upstream messages

in callback is invoked for each incoming message from the upstream. It takes 4 arguments:

  1. Offset of a message
  2. Message itself
  3. State of the callback module. This state is created in init callback and can be mutated in the callbacks.
  4. Last argument is initial configuration of the aggregator (constant)

Return value should be a tuple {Flush, NextState} where Flush can be atoms keep, flush or reject.

keep means that the aggregator should keep collecting upstream messages without producing anything downstream.

flush means that the aggregator is ready to produce a message downstream.

reject means the last upstream message was incompatible with the data that had been aggregated so far. (E.g. schema of the data was different). In this case previous state is flushed and the last message is replayed from blank state.

Producing messages downstream

out callback is used to produce a message downstream. It is invoked when in callback returns flush or reject, or when flush is implicitly requested by low-level control logic. It takes two arguments: first one is current state of the callback module and the second one is initial configuration.

It should output a tuple {ok | exit, DownstreamMessage, NextState} or an atom keep.

Returning {ok, Msg, NextState} will result in sending Msg downstream, and waiting for new messages with state NextState.

Returning {exit, Msg, NextState} will result in sending Msg downstream, calling terminate callback, if it is defined by the user CBM, and then forgetting about the state of the user CBM for the route. This is useful when the number of routes is unlimited.

If user CBM returns keep, then gen_aggregate will keep the state and won't produce anything downstream. This is useful to avoid situation when flush is requested by some external logic, but user CBM doesn't want to to flush half-finished data.


   -export([init/1, in/4, out/2, terminate/1]).
   init(_Config) ->
   in(Offset, Message, State, Config) ->
     N = maps:get(buffer_size, Config),
     Flush = if length(State) >= N ->
                true ->
     {Flush, [Message|State]}.
   out(State, _Config) ->
     Output = lists:reverse(State),
     NewState = [],
     {ok, Output, NewState}.
   terminate(_State) ->

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