View Source KineticEcto.RepoTransact (KineticEcto v1.1.1)

Add Saša Jurić's Repo.transact/2 to your repo with useKineticEcto.RepoTransact.Repo.transact/2is a replacement forRepo.transaction/2with a better developer experience. In many cases, the use ofRepo.transact/2can provide code that is easier to understand than an equivalentEcto.Multiimplementation. In Saša's own [words][1]: > I wroteRepo.transactafter seeing a lot of production code along the lines of what's > written in that excellent [blog post][2] by @tomkonidas. > > The value proposition ofRepo.transactis that control flow features such as passing > data around, branching, early exit, can be implemented with standard Elixir features, > such as variables, functions, and thewithexpression. The transactional logic is > less special, and it doesn't rely on some implicit behaviour of a function from some > library. > > Combined with the provable fact that thetransactcode is shorter (often > significantly), even in such simple example as in that blog post, I have no doubt that > thetransactversion is simpler and clearer. > > That's not to say thatMultiis universally bad. The ability to provide each db > operation as data is definitely interesting, and could be useful in the cases where > the transactional steps need to be assembled dynamically (perhaps provided by the > client code). But in the vast majority of cases I've encountered, I find the multi > code needlessly difficult to read. This is true even in simple cases, and it becomes > progressively worse if the transactional logic is more involved (e.g. if it requires > branching early on in the transaction). > > Hence, I strongly prefertransact`, and it's what I advise using in most situations. [1]: [2]:



Runs the given function inside a transaction for the provided Ecto repo.


transact(ecto_repo, fun, opts \\ [])

@spec transact(Ecto.Repo.t(), (-> result) | (module() -> result), Keyword.t()) ::
when result: :ok | {:ok, any()} | :error | {:error, any()}

Runs the given function inside a transaction for the provided Ecto repo.

This function is a wrapper around Ecto.Repo.transaction, with the following differences:

  • It accepts only a lambda of arity 0 or 1 (i.e. it doesn't work with Ecto.Multi).
  • If the lambda returns :ok | {:ok, result} the transaction is committed.

  • If the lambda returns :error | {:error, reason} the transaction is rolled back.

  • If the lambda returns any other kind of result, an exception is raised, and the transaction is rolled back.
  • The result of transact is the value returned by the lambda.

This function accepts the same options as Ecto.Repo.transaction/2.