View Source Kino.Control (Kino v0.13.0)
Various widgets for user interactions.
Each widget is a UI control element that the user interacts with, consequently producing an event stream.
Those widgets are often useful paired with Kino.Frame
presenting content that changes upon user interactions.
First, create a control and make sure it is rendered,
either by placing it at the end of a code cell or by
explicitly rendering it with Kino.render/1
button = Kino.Control.button("Hello")
Next, events need to be received from the control. This can
be done either by subscribing a process to the control with
or by creating an event stream using stream/1
or tagged_stream/1
and then registering a callback using
Here, we'll subscribe the current process to events:
Kino.Control.subscribe(button, :hello)
As the user clicks the button, the subscribed process receives events:
#=> {:hello, %{origin: "client1"}}
#=> {:hello, %{origin: "client1"}}
Creates a new button.
Creates a new form.
Returns a new interval event source.
Creates a new keyboard control.
Merges several inputs and controls into a single stream
of events.
Subscribes the calling process to control or input events.
Same as stream/1
, but attaches custom tag to every stream item.
Unsubscribes the calling process from control or input events.
@type event_source() :: t() | Kino.Input.t() | interval() | Kino.JS.Live.t()
@opaque interval()
@opaque t()
Creates a new button.
Create the widget:
button = Kino.Control.button("Hello")
Listen to events:
Kino.listen(button, fn event ->
Or subscribe to them in a separate process:
Kino.Control.subscribe(button, :keyboard)
@spec form( [{atom(), Kino.Input.t()}], keyword() ) :: t()
Creates a new form.
A form is composed of regular inputs from the Kino.Input
however in a form input values are not synchronized between users.
Consequently, the form is another control for producing user-specific
Either :submit
or :report_changes
must be specified.
- specifies the label to use for the submit button and enables submit events:report_changes
- whether to send new form value whenever any of the input changes. Defaults tofalse
- a list of fields to revert to their default values once the form is submitted. Usetrue
to indicate all fields. Defaults to[]
Event info
In addition to standard properties, all events include additional properties.
- either:submit
- a map with field values, matching the field list
Create a form out of inputs:
form =
name: Kino.Input.text("Name"),
message: Kino.Input.textarea("Message")
submit: "Send"
Listen to events:
Kino.listen(form, fn event ->
Or subscribe to them in a separate process:
Kino.Control.subscribe(form, :chat_form)
As users submit the form the payload is sent:
#=> {:chat_form,
#=> %{
#=> data: %{message: "Hola", name: "Amy"},
#=> origin: "client1",
#=> type: :submit
#=> }}
#=> {:chat_form,
#=> %{
#=> data: %{message: "Hey!", name: "Jake"},
#=> origin: "client2",
#=> type: :submit
#=> }}
@spec interval(non_neg_integer()) :: interval()
Returns a new interval event source.
This can be used as event source for stream/1
and tagged_stream/1
The events are emitted periodically with an increasing value, starting
from 0 and have the form:
%{type: :interval, iteration: non_neg_integer()}
@spec keyboard([:keyup | :keydown | :status], opts) :: t() when opts: [{:default_handlers, :off | :on | :disable_only}]
Creates a new keyboard control.
This widget is represented as button that toggles interception mode, in which the given keyboard events are captured.
Keyboard shortcut
As of Livebook v0.11, keyboard controls can be toggled by focusing the cell and pressing
ctrl + k
(or⌘ + k
on MacOS).
Note that these options require Livebook v0.11 or later.
- controls Livebook's default keyboard shortcut handlers while the keyboard control is enabled. Must be one of::off
(default) - all Livebook keyboard shortcuts are disabled:on
- all Livebook keyboard shortcuts are enabled:disable_only
- Livebook keyboard shortcuts are off except for the shortcut to toggle (disable) the control
Event info
In addition to standard properties, all events include additional properties.
Key events
- either:keyup
- the value matching the browser KeyboardEvent.key
Status event
- either:status
- whether the keyboard is activated
Create the widget:
keyboard = Kino.Control.keyboard([:keyup, :keydown, :status])
Listen to events:
Kino.listen(keyboard, fn event ->
Or subscribe to them in a separate process:
Kino.Control.subscribe(keyboard, :keyboard)
As the user types events are streamed:
#=> {:keyboard, %{enabled: true, origin: "client1", type: :status}
#=> {:keyboard, %{key: "o", origin: "client1", type: :keydown}}
#=> {:keyboard, %{key: "k", origin: "client1", type: :keydown}}
#=> {:keyboard, %{key: "o", origin: "client1", type: :keyup}}
#=> {:keyboard, %{key: "k", origin: "client1", type: :keyup}}
@spec stream(event_source() | [event_source()]) :: Enumerable.t()
Merges several inputs and controls into a single stream
of events.
It accepts a single source or a list of sources, where each source is either of:
- emitting value on relevant interaction%Kino.Input{}
- emitting value on value change%Kino.JS.Live{}
- emitting value programmaticallyinterval/0
- emitting value periodically, seeinterval/1
You can then consume the stream to access its events.
The stream is typically consumed via Kino.listen/2
button = Kino.Control.button("Hello")
input = Kino.Input.checkbox("Check")
interval = Kino.Control.interval(1000)
[button, input, interval]
|> Kino.listen(fn event ->
#=> %{type: :interval, iteration: 0}
#=> %{origin: "client1", type: :click}
#=> %{origin: "client1", type: :change, value: true}
@spec subscribe(t() | Kino.Input.t(), term()) :: :ok
Subscribes the calling process to control or input events.
This is an alternative API to stream/1
, such that event
messages are consumed via process messages instead of streams.
The events are sent as {tag, info}
, where info is a map with
event details. In particular, it always includes :origin
, which
is an opaque identifier of the client that triggered the event.
@spec tagged_stream(keyword(event_source())) :: Enumerable.t()
Same as stream/1
, but attaches custom tag to every stream item.
button = Kino.Control.button("Hello")
input = Kino.Input.checkbox("Check")
[hello: button, check: input]
|> Kino.Control.tagged_stream()
|> Kino.listen(fn event ->
#=> {:hello, %{origin: "client1", type: :click}}
#=> {:check, %{origin: "client1", type: :change, value: true}}
@spec unsubscribe(t() | Kino.Input.t()) :: :ok
Unsubscribes the calling process from control or input events.