View Source Kino.Table behaviour (Kino v0.14.0)
A behaviour module for implementing tabular kinos.
This module implements table visualization and delegates data fetching and traversal to the behaviour implementation.
The following types have meaning on the front-end
Exports the data for download.
Loads data matching the given specification.
Invoked once to initialize server state.
Invoked to update state with new data.
Creates a new tabular kino using the given module as data specification.
Updates the table with new data.
@type rows_spec() :: %{ offset: non_neg_integer(), limit: pos_integer(), order: nil | %{direction: :asc | :desc, key: term()}, relocates: [%{from_index: non_neg_integer(), to_index: non_neg_integer()}] }
@type state() :: term()
@type t() :: Kino.JS.Live.t()
@type type() :: String.t()
The following types have meaning on the front-end:
- "date"
- "list"
- "number"
- "struct"
- "text"
- "uri"
@callback export_data(rows_spec(), state(), String.t()) :: {:ok, %{data: binary(), extension: String.t(), type: String.t()}}
Exports the data for download.
The returned map must contain the binary, the file extension and the mime type.
@callback get_data(rows_spec(), state()) :: {:ok, %{ columns: [column()], data: {:columns | :rows, [[String.t()]]}, total_rows: non_neg_integer() | nil }, state()}
Loads data matching the given specification.
Invoked once to initialize server state.
Invoked to update state with new data.
This callback is called in response to update/2
Creates a new tabular kino using the given module as data specification.
- a function called to export the given kino to Markdown. This works the same
, except the function receives the state as an argument
Updates the table with new data.
An arbitrary update event can be used and it is then handled by
the on_update/2