View Source Kino.Frame (Kino v0.9.0)

A placeholder for outputs.

A frame wraps outputs that can be dynamically updated at any time.

Also see Kino.animate/3 which offers a convenience on top of this kino.



frame = |> Kino.render()

for i <- 1..100 do
  Kino.Frame.render(frame, i)

Or with a scheduled task in the background.

frame = |> Kino.render()

Kino.Frame.periodically(frame, 50, 0, fn i ->
  Kino.Frame.render(frame, i)
  {:cont, i + 1}

Link to this section Summary


Renders and appends the given term to the frame.

Removes all outputs within the given frame.

Creates a new frame.

Registers a callback to run periodically in the frame process.

Renders the given term within the frame.

Link to this section Types

@opaque t()

Link to this section Functions

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append(frame, term, opts \\ [])

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@spec append(t(), term(), keyword()) :: :ok

Renders and appends the given term to the frame.



  • :to - the client id to whom the update is directed. This option is useful when updating frame in response to client events, such as form submission
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clear(frame, opts \\ [])

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@spec clear(
) :: :ok

Removes all outputs within the given frame.



  • :to - the client id to whom the update is directed. This option is useful when updating frame in response to client events, such as form submission
@spec new() :: t()

Creates a new frame.

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periodically(frame, interval_ms, acc, fun)

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@spec periodically(t(), pos_integer(), term(), (term() -> {:cont, term()} | :halt)) ::

Registers a callback to run periodically in the frame process.

The callback is run every interval_ms milliseconds and receives the accumulated value. The callback should return either of:

  • {:cont, acc} - the continue with the new accumulated value

  • :halt - to no longer schedule callback evaluation

The callback is run for the first time immediately upon registration.

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render(frame, term, opts \\ [])

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@spec render(t(), term(), keyword()) :: :ok

Renders the given term within the frame.

This works similarly to Kino.render/1, but the rendered output replaces existing frame contents.



  • :to - the client id to whom the update is directed. This option is useful when updating frame in response to client events, such as form submission