View Source Kino.MapLibre (KinoMapLibre v0.1.12)

This Kino allows rendering a regular MapLibre map and then adds an initial support for the Evented API to update the map with event capabilities.

There are two types of maps: static and dynamic. Essentially, a dynamic map can be updated on the fly without having to be re-evaluated. To make a map dynamic you need to wrap it in

All functions are available for both map types.


map = {-68.13734351262877, 45.137451890638886}, zoom: 3)
  # This makes the map dynamic

# These markers will be added with no need to re-evaluate the map
Kino.MapLibre.add_marker(map, {-68, 45}, color: "red", draggable: true)
Kino.MapLibre.add_marker(map, {-69, 50})

# This is a static map and the markers will be added on evaluation {-68.13734351262877, 45.137451890638886}, zoom: 3)
|> Kino.MapLibre.add_marker({-68, 45}, color: "red", draggable: true)
|> Kino.MapLibre.add_marker({-69, 50})



Adds an image to the style. This image can be displayed on the map like any other icon in the style's sprite using its ID

Adds a control to exports the map as a PDF or image (PNG, JPEG and SVG).

Adds a fullscreen control for toggling the map in and out of fullscreen mode.

Adds a geocoder control to the map to handle Nominatim queries

A helper function to create a per feature hover effect. Receives the ID of the layer where the effect should be enabled. It uses events and feature states to create the effect.

Adds a geolocate control to the map.

Adds a marker to the map at the given location

Receives a list of markers and adds them to the map

Adds a navigation control to the map. A navigation control contains zoom buttons and a compass.

Adds a scale control for displaying the ratio of a distance on the map to the corresponding distance on the ground.

Adds a terrain control to the map for turning the terrain on and off.

A helper function that adds the event of centering to coordinates when clicking on a symbol. Receives the ID of the symbols layer and adds the event to all the symbols present in that layer

A helper function to allow inspect a cluster on click. Receives the ID of the clusters layer

Fits the map to the rectangle given by the 2 vertices in bounds

A helper function that adds the event to show the information of a given property on click. Receives the layer ID and the name of the property to show.

Jumps to a given location using an animated transition

Creates a new kino with the given MapLibre style.


@type location() :: {number(), number()}
@type maplibre() :: t() | MapLibre.t() | Kino.JS.Live.t()
@type t() :: Kino.JS.Live.t()


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add_custom_image(map, image_name, image_url, opts \\ [])

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Adds an image to the style. This image can be displayed on the map like any other icon in the style's sprite using its ID

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add_export_map(map, opts \\ [])

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@spec add_export_map(
) :: :ok | %Kino.MapLibre{events: term(), spec: term()}

Adds a control to exports the map as a PDF or image (PNG, JPEG and SVG).


  • :filename - The filename without the extension. Default: "map"

  • :pintable_area Display printable area on the map. It helps to adjust printable area before printing.

  • :crosshair Display crosshair on the map. It helps to adjust the map center before printing.


  Kino.MapLibre.add_scale_control(map, unit: :nautical)
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@spec add_fullscreen_control(maplibre()) ::
  :ok | %Kino.MapLibre{events: term(), spec: term()}

Adds a fullscreen control for toggling the map in and out of fullscreen mode.


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@spec add_geocode_control(maplibre()) ::
  :ok | %Kino.MapLibre{events: term(), spec: term()}

Adds a geocoder control to the map to handle Nominatim queries


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add_hover(map, layer_id)

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@spec add_hover(maplibre(), String.t()) ::
  :ok | %Kino.MapLibre{events: term(), spec: term()}

A helper function to create a per feature hover effect. Receives the ID of the layer where the effect should be enabled. It uses events and feature states to create the effect.


  Kino.MapLibre.add_hover(map, "state-fills")

See the docs for more details.

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add_locate_control(map, opts \\ [])

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@spec add_locate_control(
) :: :ok | %Kino.MapLibre{events: term(), spec: term()}

Adds a geolocate control to the map.

A geolocate control provides a button that uses the browser's geolocation API to locate the user on the map.


  • :track_user_location - If true, the geolocate control acts as a toggle button that when active the user's location is actively monitored for changes. Default: false

  • :high_accuracy - Uses a more accurate position if the device is able to. Default: false

  • :show_user_location - A dot will be shown on the map at the user's location. Default: true

  • :show_accuracy_circle - By default, if :show_user_location is true, a transparent circle will be drawn around the user location indicating the accuracy (95% confidence level) of the user's location. Default: true


  Kino.MapLibre.add_locate_control(map, high_accuracy: true, track_user_location: true)
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add_marker(map, location, opts \\ [])

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@spec add_marker(maplibre(), location(), keyword()) ::
  :ok | %Kino.MapLibre{events: term(), spec: term()}

Adds a marker to the map at the given location


  • :element - DOM element to use as a marker. The default is a light blue, droplet-shaped SVG marker.

  • :anchor - A string indicating the part of the Marker that should be positioned closest to the coordinate set via Marker#setLngLat. Options are "center", "top", "bottom", "left", "right", "top-left", "top-right", "bottom-left" and "bottom-right". Default: "center"

  • :offset - The offset in pixels as a PointLike object to apply relative to the element"s center. Negatives indicate left and up.

  • :color - The color to use for the default marker if :element is not provided. The default is light blue. Default: "#3FB1CE"

  • :scale - The scale to use for the default marker if :element is not provided. The default scale corresponds to a height of 41px and a width of 27px. Default: 1

  • :draggable - A boolean indicating whether or not a marker is able to be dragged to a new position on the map. Default: false

  • :click_tolerance - The max number of pixels a user can shift the mouse pointer during a click on the marker for it to be considered a valid click (as opposed to a marker drag). The default is to inherit map"s :click_tolerance. Default: 0

  • :rotation - The rotation angle of the marker in degrees, relative to its respective :rotation_alignment setting. A positive value will rotate the marker clockwise. Default: 0

  • :pitch_alignment - "map" aligns the marker to the plane of the map. "viewport" aligns the marker to the plane of the viewport. "auto" automatically matches the value of :rotation_alignment. Default: "auto"

  • :rotation_alignment - "map" aligns the marker"s rotation relative to the map, maintaining a bearing as the map rotates. "viewport" aligns the marker"s rotation relative to the viewport, agnostic to map rotations. "auto" is equivalent to viewport. Default: "auto"

See the docs for more details.

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add_markers(map, markers)

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@spec add_markers(maplibre(), list()) ::
  :ok | %Kino.MapLibre{events: term(), spec: term()}

Receives a list of markers and adds them to the map


markers = [
  [{0, 0}, color: "red", draggable: true],
  [{-32, 2}, color: "green"],
  [{-45, 23}]
] {-68.13734351262877, 45.137451890638886}, zoom: 3)
|> Kino.MapLibre.add_markers(markers)
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add_nav_controls(map, opts \\ [])

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@spec add_nav_controls(
) :: :ok | %Kino.MapLibre{events: term(), spec: term()}

Adds a navigation control to the map. A navigation control contains zoom buttons and a compass.


  • :show_compass - If true the compass button is included. Default: true

  • :show_zoom - If true the zoom-in and zoom-out buttons are included. Default: true

  • :visualize_pitch - If true the pitch is visualized by rotating X-axis of compass. Default: false

  • :position - The position on the map to which the control will be added. Valid values are "top-left" , "top-right" , "bottom-left" , and "bottom-right" . Defaults to "top-right". Default: "top-right"

You can add multiple controls separately to have granular options over positioning and appearance


  Kino.MapLibre.add_nav_controls(map, show_compass: false)
  Kino.MapLibre.add_nav_controls(map, show_zoom: false, position: "top-left")
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add_scale_control(map, opts \\ [])

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@spec add_scale_control(
) :: :ok | %Kino.MapLibre{events: term(), spec: term()}

Adds a scale control for displaying the ratio of a distance on the map to the corresponding distance on the ground.


  • :max_width - The maximum length of the scale control in pixels. Default: 100

  • :unit - Unit of the distance (:imperial, :metric or ':nautical'). Default: :metric


  Kino.MapLibre.add_scale_control(map, unit: :nautical)
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@spec add_terrain_control(maplibre()) ::
  :ok | %Kino.MapLibre{events: term(), spec: term()}

Adds a terrain control to the map for turning the terrain on and off.


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center_on_click(map, symbols_id)

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@spec center_on_click(maplibre(), String.t()) ::
  :ok | %Kino.MapLibre{events: term(), spec: term()}

A helper function that adds the event of centering to coordinates when clicking on a symbol. Receives the ID of the symbols layer and adds the event to all the symbols present in that layer

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clusters_expansion(map, clusters_id)

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@spec clusters_expansion(maplibre(), String.t()) ::
  :ok | %Kino.MapLibre{events: term(), spec: term()}

A helper function to allow inspect a cluster on click. Receives the ID of the clusters layer


  Kino.MapLibre.clusters_expansion(map, "earthquakes-clusters")
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fit_bounds(map, bounds, opts \\ [])

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Fits the map to the rectangle given by the 2 vertices in bounds

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info_on_click(map, layer_id, property)

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@spec info_on_click(maplibre(), String.t(), String.t()) ::
  :ok | %Kino.MapLibre{events: term(), spec: term()}

A helper function that adds the event to show the information of a given property on click. Receives the layer ID and the name of the property to show.

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jump_to(map, location, opts \\ [])

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@spec jump_to(t(), location(), keyword()) :: :ok

Jumps to a given location using an animated transition

@spec new(MapLibre.t()) :: t()

Creates a new kino with the given MapLibre style.