View Source KinoMembrane.PipelineGraph (Kino Membrane v0.3.0)
Displays a graph of the given pipeline.
The graph allows to:
- Zoom in/out using mouse scroll (after clicking the graph at least once)
- Expand bins (the green squares) by either clicking + or double tapping (this will zoom in to fit the expanded bin as well)
- Move components when holding Alt/Option
- Select multiple components when holding Shift
- If the layout is not readable enough, clicking Refresh layout may help
- Clicking on a component reveals it in a component info view below the graph
- Clicking the zoom (+) button of the Livebook cell extends the graph to cover full page width
@spec new(pipeline :: pid(), [{:component_info, KinoMembrane.ComponentInfo.t()}]) :: Kino.Render.t()