
This module contains functions for drawing to the canvas. It is intended for use in your view function. Every view function should start with draw.context; from there, you can create a function pipe to draw all of your objects. All positions and sizes are in world coordinates.

The Color type and the associated functions are defined in the color module.


fn view(model: Model) {
  |> draw.background(
  |> draw.rect(model.pos, player_size,


pub type Context
pub opaque type Texture


pub fn background(ctx: Context, color: Color) -> Context

Sets the background colour of the canvas.


// inside a view() function
|> draw.background(color.slate_900)
pub fn circle(
  ctx: Context,
  pos pos: Vec2,
  r r: Float,
  color color: Color,
) -> Context

Draws a circle with its centre at the specified position.


// inside a view() function
|>, 0.0), 20.0,
pub fn context() -> Context

Returns the 2D context of the canvas that you initiated the engine with. Every view function should start with this.


fn view(model: Model) {
  |> draw.background(
  |> draw.rect(model.pos, player_size,
pub fn create_texture(
  img_id: Int,
  x: Int,
  y: Int,
  width: Int,
  height: Int,
) -> Result(Texture, Nil)

Creates a new Texture from the following parameters: the index of the image that contains the texture, starting from 0, in the order of the list that you passed into the engine-starting function from the canvas module; the coordinates of the top-left pixel of the texture; and its size in pixels.

Since this function if fallible, it is highly recommended that you use it as part of your init function with an assert assignment, and store it in your model. This way, you can be sure that if your game starts without errors, the texture is correct.


fn init() {
  let assert Ok(player_texture) = draw.create_texture(0, 0, 0, 16, 16)
    player_pos: Vec2(0.0, 0.0),
    player_texture: player_texture
pub fn ellipse(
  ctx: Context,
  pos pos: Vec2,
  r1 r1: Float,
  r2 r2: Float,
  tilt tilt: Float,
  start_angle start_angle: Float,
  end_angle end_angle: Float,
  filled filled: Bool,
  width width: Float,
  color color: Color,
) -> Context

Draws an ellipse from the specified parameters.

This function is intended to give you full access to the ellipse API of the HTML canvas, but should rarely be used on its own. Prefer the circle function for simple use cases or write wrappers around this one.


// inside a view() function
|> draw.ellipse(
  Vec2(0.0, 0.0), 
  math.pi /. 3.0, 
  2.0 *. math.pi, 
pub fn line(
  ctx: Context,
  p1 p1: Vec2,
  p2 p2: Vec2,
  width width: Float,
  color color: Color,
) -> Context

Draws a straight line between two points.


// inside a view() function
|> draw.line(Vec2(0.0, 0.0), Vec2(0.0, 100.0), 5.0,
pub fn path(
  ctx: Context,
  points points: List(Vec2),
  width width: Float,
  color color: Color,
) -> Context

Draws a non-closed path between the points, from the first to the last. You can repeat the first point at the end to draw a closed path.

This function can be used to draw custom non-filled polygons.


// inside a view() function
|> draw.path([Vec2(0.0, 0.0), Vec2(100.0, 0.0), Vec2(100.0, 100.0)], 5.0,

// a wrapper to draw a regular pentagon
fn draw_pentagon(ctx: Context, pos: Vec2, r: Float, tilt: Float, width: Float, color: Color) -> Context {
  [0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 0.0]
  |> {
    {2 *. factor *. math.pi +. tilt}
    |> vec2.unit
    |> vec2.set_length(r)
    |> vec2.add(pos)
  |> draw.path(ctx, _, width, color)
pub fn polygon(
  ctx: Context,
  points points: List(Vec2),
  color color: Color,
) -> Context

Draws a filled polygon with its vertices at the specified points.

This function can be used to draw custom filled polygons.


// inside a view() function
|> draw.polygon([Vec2(0.0, 0.0), Vec2(100.0, 0.0), Vec2(100.0, 100.0)],

// a wrapper to draw a regular pentagon
fn draw_pentagon(ctx: Context, pos: Vec2, r: Float, tilt: Float, color: Color) -> Context {
  [0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8]
  |> {
    {2 *. factor *. math.pi +. tilt}
    |> vec2.unit
    |> vec2.set_length(r)
    |> vec2.add(pos)
  |> draw.polygon(ctx, _, color)
pub fn rect(
  ctx: Context,
  pos pos: Vec2,
  size size: Vec2,
  color color: Color,
) -> Context

Draws a rectangle with its centre at the specified position.

Use the path and polygon functions to create non-filled or tilted rectangles and other shapes.


// inside a view() function
|> draw.rect(Vec2(0.0, 0.0), Vec2(50.0, 50.0),
pub fn set_camera_angle(
  ctx: Context,
  new_angle: Float,
) -> Context

Sets the rotation of the camera in radians. Always call this at the start of your view function and after setting the camera position.


fn view(model: Model) {
  |> draw.set_camera_pos(Vec2(0.0, 100.0))
  |> draw.set_camera_rotation(math.pi /. 2.0)
  |> // ... rest of the function
pub fn set_camera_pos(ctx: Context, new_pos: Vec2) -> Context

Sets the position of the camera, in world coordinates. Always call this at the start of your view function and before setting the camera scale and rotation.


fn view(model: Model) {
  |> draw.set_camera_pos(Vec2(0.0, 100.0))
  |> // ... rest of the function
pub fn set_camera_scale(
  ctx: Context,
  new_scale: Float,
) -> Context

Sets the scale of the camera. Always call this at the start of your view function and after setting the camera position.


fn view(model: Model) {
  |> draw.set_camera_pos(Vec2(0.0, 100.0))
  |> draw.set_camera_scale(2.0)
  |> // ... rest of the function
pub fn text(
  ctx: Context,
  text text: String,
  pos pos: Vec2,
  size size: Float,
  weight weight: Float,
  font font: String,
  tilt tilt: Float,
  color color: Color,
) -> Context

Draws some text with its centre at the specified position. The tilt must be given in radians.


// inside a view() function
|> draw.text("kitten", Vec2(0.0, 0.0), 100.0, 300.0, "Arial", 0.0,
pub fn texture(
  ctx: Context,
  texture texture: Texture,
  pos pos: Vec2,
  size size: Vec2,
  tilt tilt: Float,
) -> Context

Draws a Texture with its centre at the specified position. The texture must be created using the create_texture function in this module. The tilt must be given in radians.


// inside a view() function
|> draw.texture(model.player_texture, Vec2(0.0, 0.0), Vec2(50.0, 50.0), 0.0)
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