View Source KlifeProtocol.Messages.DescribeQuorum (Klife Protocol v0.7.0)

Kafka protocol DescribeQuorum message

Request versions summary:

  • Version 1 adds additional fields in the response. The request is unchanged (KIP-836).

Response versions summary:

  • Version 1 adds LastFetchTimeStamp and LastCaughtUpTimestamp in ReplicaState (KIP-836).

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Returns the message api key number.

Receive a binary in the kafka wire format and deserialize it into a map.

Returns the current max supported version of this message.

Returns the current min supported version of this message.

Receives a map and serialize it to kafka wire format of the given version.

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Returns the message api key number.

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deserialize_response(data, version, with_header? \\ true)

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Receive a binary in the kafka wire format and deserialize it into a map.

Response content fields:

  • error_code: The top level error code. (int16 | versions 0+)

  • topics: ([]TopicData | versions 0+)

    • topic_name: The topic name. (string | versions 0+)

    • partitions: ([]PartitionData | versions 0+)

      • partition_index: The partition index. (int32 | versions 0+)

      • error_code: (int16 | versions 0+)

      • leader_id: The ID of the current leader or -1 if the leader is unknown. (int32 | versions 0+)

      • leader_epoch: The latest known leader epoch (int32 | versions 0+)

      • high_watermark: (int64 | versions 0+)

      • current_voters: ([]ReplicaState | versions 0+)

        • replica_id: (int32 | versions 0+)

        • log_end_offset: The last known log end offset of the follower or -1 if it is unknown (int64 | versions 0+)

        • last_fetch_timestamp: The last known leader wall clock time time when a follower fetched from the leader. This is reported as -1 both for the current leader or if it is unknown for a voter (int64 | versions 1+)

        • last_caught_up_timestamp: The leader wall clock append time of the offset for which the follower made the most recent fetch request. This is reported as the current time for the leader and -1 if unknown for a voter (int64 | versions 1+)

      • observers: ([]ReplicaState | versions 0+)

        • replica_id: (int32 | versions 0+)

        • log_end_offset: The last known log end offset of the follower or -1 if it is unknown (int64 | versions 0+)

        • last_fetch_timestamp: The last known leader wall clock time time when a follower fetched from the leader. This is reported as -1 both for the current leader or if it is unknown for a voter (int64 | versions 1+)

        • last_caught_up_timestamp: The leader wall clock append time of the offset for which the follower made the most recent fetch request. This is reported as the current time for the leader and -1 if unknown for a voter (int64 | versions 1+)

Returns the current max supported version of this message.

Returns the current min supported version of this message.

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serialize_request(map, version)

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Receives a map and serialize it to kafka wire format of the given version.

Input content fields:

  • topics: ([]TopicData | versions 0+)

    • topic_name: The topic name. (string | versions 0+)

    • partitions: ([]PartitionData | versions 0+)

      • partition_index: The partition index. (int32 | versions 0+)