Knock.Tenants (Knock v0.4.14) View Source

Knock resources for accessing Tenants

Link to this section Summary


Deletes the given tenant.

Gets the given tenant.

Returns paginated tenants for environment

Upserts the given tenant with the tenant data provided.

Link to this section Functions


Deletes the given tenant.


Gets the given tenant.

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list(client, options \\ [])

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Returns paginated tenants for environment

Available optional parameters:


- page_size: specify size of the page to be returned by the api. (max limit: 50)

- after: after cursor for pagination

- before: before cursor for pagination

- tenant_id: id of the tenant to filter for

- name: name of the tenant to filter for

Link to this function

set(client, id, tenant_data)

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Upserts the given tenant with the tenant data provided.