Krug.AWSUtil (Krug v2.0.27) View Source
Utilitary module to work with ExAws API.
Link to this section Summary
Makes ExAws.request methods call and handle the result.
Link to this section Functions
Makes ExAws.request methods call and handle the result.
Return nil if error, otherwise return AWS response.
Example - Verification if a file was successfully uploaded to AWS S3
config = Keyword.put([], :bucket_name, "aws S3 bucket name")
config = Keyword.put(config, :bucket_url, "aws S3 bucket url")
config = Keyword.put(config, :version, "aws S3 bucket version")
config = Keyword.put(config, :access_key_id, "aws S3 bucket access key id")
config = Keyword.put(config, :secret_access_key, "aws S3 bucket access key")
config = Keyword.put(config, :region, "aws S3 bucket region")
uploaded_file = ExAws.S3.put_object(bucket_name,file_dir,binary,[acl: :public_read])
file = Krug.AWSUtil.make_aws_request(uploaded_file,config)
(nil != file and file)